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Mac OS X a hit with first users

Author: JT Smith

MacWEEK states, “Unix and Linux experts are already stepping in to plug some of the
gaps in the beta. In one case, someone has already ported a Linux
PPPoE client over to OS X.”

Unison announces file synchronizer

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR: The Unison development team at the University of Pennsylvania has announced a new public release (version 2.5) of its file synchronization tool for Unix and Windows systems.

Fujisoft ABC chooses TurboLinux

Author: JT Smith

TurboLinux, Inc., the high-performance Linux company, today announced that Fujisoft ABC Inc., one of Japan’s largest systems integrators, has chosen TurboLinux Server as the operating system for its ERP payroll system solution, from Business Wire on NewsAlert.

That (other) f-word

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet Anchordesk article asks, “Are Linux vendors ready to make the leap into big iron?”


  • Linux

Red Hat selects Novell’s eDirectory

Author: JT Smith

PRNewswire,: Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net services software, today announced that Red Hat has selected NDS eDirectory and Novell’s DirXML technology to provide the directory services infrastructure for Red Hat Network worldwide. Here’s a story from TechWeb.

SCO into Caldera without getting SCalded

Author: JT Smith

This osOpinion article states, “Linux, like Unix before it, is an example of ‘development by community’, and once we realize that, it changes the focus entirely.”


  • Open Source

Murdoch’s News Interactive commits to Open Source

Author: JT Smith

The online arm of Murdoch’s News Corporation in Australia has made a major commitment to the new software model, reports LinuxWorld News.


  • Open Source

Tarantella pressures Citrix

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports, Tarantella is putting the pressure on Citrix by releasing its Version 3.0 a week before Citrix regroups at the Thinergy Conference in Florida.


  • Unix

Red Hat warns Linux is moving too fast

Author: JT Smith

Speaking at the Networld + Interop trade show in Atlanta this week, VNUnet News reports, Robert Young of Red Hat said the fast pace of change in the Linux world puts a lot of pressure on users to keep up to date with the latest releases, patches and updates. More from Maximum Linux.


  • Linux

Gates vs. Noorda: Here we go again?

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet News reports, according to Timpanogas Research Group’s CEO Jeff Merkey, Microsoft has threatened Timpanogas with litigation over what
Microsoft claims are violations of its intellectual property rights involving the NT file system.