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HP unveils 32-way NetServer

Author: JT Smith

InfoWorld reports on Hewlett-Packard’s new HP NetServer 32-way server, which will ship with the Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter operating system. It will run HP-UX, Linux, and Windows operating systems, part of “HP’s commitment to a three operating system strategy.”


  • Unix

Sandhilltoad.com seeks Linux dot.bomb stories

Author: JT Smith

Sandhilltoad (obviously a play on Sandhill Road), a site dedicated to publishing rich stories from venture funded companies gone awry, is calling out to the Linux community to come forward with their stories of woe. The site is still in content collection mode, and expects to launch in the fourth quarter of this year. The site is currently accepting short story submissions via email or its recently launched message board. If you have a story that is begging to be shared, send it in ! — Submitted by Sandhilltoad Editor

Samsung awards Red Hat ‘million dollar contract’

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat, a leader in developing, deploying and managing open source
Internet infrastructure solutions, today announced at Embedded Systems Conference West
2000 that Samsung has awarded it a million dollar contract to port the Red Hat GNUpro
embedded development tools to the Samsung CalmRISC line of low-power processors. The press release is from Business Wire.

Transmeta: Our technology five years ahead of competitors

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports that the microprocessor maker Transmeta believes its technology is at least five years ahead of competitors Intel and Advanced Micro Devices.


  • Unix

Music industry ready to rule the Web

Author: JT Smith

From a story at PC World: “Napster and MP3.com have
grabbed much of the spotlight in the online music
world, but the major music labels are ready to do
battle. In fact, the music powers that rule the offline
world are confident that their dominance will soon
extend to the Web.”

Embedix RealTime 3.0 is out

Author: JT Smith

Lineo, a provider of
embedded systems, real-time and high availability Linux-based solutions, today announced the shipment of the
Embedix RealTime 3.0 installation CD, a real-time development environment of Linux. Embedix RealTime is used for
mission-critical applications requiring guaranteed response time in the telecom, military simulation and industrial
control markets. The press release is from PR Newswire.

Red Hat’s chairman not worried about Microsoft

Author: JT Smith

From a story at InfoWorld: “Internet-powered appliances and applications will replace the dominance of Microsoft Windows PC operating systems in the next five years, Red Hat CEO Robert Young predicted.”


  • Open Source

Fujitsu to tap Transmeta

Author: JT Smith

Reuters (via PC World) has a short followup story about Fujitsu planning to use Transmeta chips in its laptops.


  • Unix

Supreme Court rejects fast track Microsoft case

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss the news that the U.S.
Supreme Court has refused to listen to the Department of Justice-Microsoft case. The Supreme Court says the case should go to Appeals Court first. PC World calls the decision “good news for Microsoft.”

Red Hat leads Linux charge

Author: JT Smith

From an IDG News Service story: “The open-source Linux operating system continues to
move closer and closer toward widespread enterprise
acceptance. The penguins came out in full force
Monday with vendors releasing a number of software
applications gearing Linux for heavy business use.”


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