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OpenSource flight sims

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot brings us news and discussion of OpenSource flight simulator projects that have formed recently.


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Report: U.S. leads worldwide snooping drive

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet reports that the US is introducing anti-privacy measures aimed at catching criminal activity.

DUPLICATE, GG –Linux in Africa: free, but so far scarce

Author: JT Smith

Wired news has an article discussing Linux’s penetration into Africa, and some of the challenges it may face. “Big businesses are also growing curious about using Linux in Kenya, with giants such as Kenya Airways and Kenya Power & Lighting already evaluating its merits

More online stores may try Amazon-style ‘dynamic pricing’

Author: JT Smith

Amazon tried selling DVDS at different prices to different customers and got slammed for it, but if this SiliconValley.com story is correct, more online retailers may soon be pulling the same trick. Will buying anything at all online become as tedious a haggling process as buying a car or an airline ticket? A good question, still unanswered.


  • Open Source

Gates grants could help establish charitable legacy

Author: JT Smith

Bill Gates is now giving away money faster than he’s making it, and whether you like the man or not, this is a good pattern to establish. This Nando Times story expresses the hope that other computer industry richies will follow in Gates’ footsteps and become mega-donors to various charities both while they are still alive and in their wills.


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non-GNU, published free documentation books

Author: JT Smith

A (too) short, just-updated list of books not published by the GNU people themselves but that meet their licensing standards.


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AMD bounces back

Author: JT Smith

AMD has been written off as dead many times, but may now be poised to give Intel a serious run for the #1 spot in the PC uP business, says SiliconValley.com


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Yet another ‘giveaway’ PC startup

Author: JT Smith

All of the ones that have gone before have failed or are in the process of failing, but PeoplePC thinks it can be successful by offering $24.95/month ISP service and “free” PCs in bulk lots to corporations that want all their employees to have home computers instead of pitching individual users. More at Yahoo News.


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$10m boost to China’s web research

Author: JT Smith

“China’s internet research efforts have received a $10 million boost
from the Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing,” says BBC News.


Author: JT Smith

LinuxToday quotes Linus: “This should fix the VM deadlocks (knock wood), and adds the infrastructure
for better samba serving. And lots of small details….”


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