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Alan Cox releases 2.2.18pre10

Author: JT Smith

“More USB synchronziation. Other fixes of stuff that crept in from the big changes before and a few longer term bug fixes” (as reported by lwn.net)


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Will privacy kill the CueCat?

Author: JT Smith

Privacy concerns big enough to stop Digital Convergence?” asks ZDnet. “The Privacy Foundation plans to deliver the latest blow to Internet data collector Digital:Convergence Corp. on Friday when the organization releases a report criticizing the company’s collection of potentially identifying information over the Internet.


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Author: JT Smith

Slashdot has the discussion, and ZDnet has the article, on the subject of domain squatting mistyped domains in the hopes or luring in unsuspecting users.

Bumpy road(map) to Mozilla browser

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet has a report on the current state and possible future of the Mozilla browser based on its recent roadmap update. “As the rest of the world awaits the arrival of Netscape 6, Mozilla.org enters the critical final phase of developing an open-source browser.


  • Open Source

Suspect arrested in NASA hack

Author: JT Smith

A suspect has been arrested in connection with recent NASA computer problems, as reported by InfoWorld.

Debian plans new installer for woody

Author: JT Smith

Debian is planning to rewrite their installation routine for the next release, as reported and discussed by slashdot.


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Where there’s UltraSparc, there’s fire

Author: JT Smith

ZDnet has a
report on the upcoming UltraSparc 3 chip from Sun Microsystems. “It’s no secret that, after several delays, Sun will launch new UltraSparc III systems next week.


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Universal moves to new music encryption

Author: JT Smith

The Standard reports that Universal Music Group is contracting in a new encryption algorithm for music.

The gender gap

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet focuses on the gender imbalance in the technology industry and the roots of the problem.


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10 Gb ethernet standard introduced

Author: JT Smith

The EE Times is reporting on a new standard to be ratified in 2002… 10 gigabit ethernet.


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