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Unlikely alliance seeks to shut down BUGTRAQ

Author: JT Smith

“Microsoft, Red Hat Software, and Sun microsystems have sued the maintainers of BUGTAQ
for violations of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, or DMCA. A spokesperson for the
three companies said in a press release that BUGTRAQ for years has been publishing and
distributing hyperlinks and plaintext code that allow people to subvert the security systems in
their operating systems.” That’s from the humor site Segfault.


  • Management

Perl clone of MS Office called ‘gift from God’

Author: JT Smith

From the humor site, Segfault: “Some call the remarkable appearance of a MS Office clone written in Perl a gift from the Almighty;
others say it proves that Perl is indistingushable from line noise.:


  • Management

Microsoft covets high-end Unix market

Author: JT Smith

Reports InfoWorld: “Although the stringent testing process Microsoft put in place for Windows 2000 Datacenter Server brings the server closer to the realm of Unix-based hardware and software integration, competitors are not convinced that Windows can compete with Unix. Vendors that build both the hardware and software can more effectively integrate the two, said Rich Sands, analyst for Solaris marketing at Sun Microsystems.”

Fujitsu to release Transmeta notebook

Author: JT Smith

Fujitsu will release two notebooks using Crusoe processors from Transmeta in November; that brings the total number of companies coming out with Transmeta-based
products to seven, reports CNet.


  • Unix

Fair fees for Trolltech

Author: JT Smith

From a story at LinuxWorld:”Even though Trolltech responded to the GNU community and placed KDE under an
open license, developers may still turn away. Nick Petreley fears they just won’t want to
pay the license fee associated with the Qt toolkit with which KDE was created.”


  • Open Source

First Palm virus raises questions about security

Author: JT Smith

There’s been a lot of reporting about the first virus targeting handhelds. From CNet : “The first virus targeting Palm users has been discovered by antivirus software makers,
raising new questions about the security of handheld computers and wireless devices. The Phage.936 virus was discovered by antivirus researchers at McAfee.com and Finland-based
F-Secure last night. The virus erases third-party applications on infected Palm operating systems,
filling the display screen with a dark gray box.”


  • Linux

PETA domain-Name dispute drags on

Author: JT Smith

The Washington Post has a story about the long-running domain-name dispute between animal rights group PETA and peta.org, the fictitious People Eating Tasty Animals, which links to mink merchants, trapping clubs and cattle breeders.


  • Linux

New email could confound law enforcement

Author: JT Smith

CNet has a story on SafeMessage, a messaging service that lets people send heavily encrypted
email directly to each other, which could be a boon for privacy advocates but a
headache for law enforcement authorities.


  • Linux

CT2600 Files Motion to Dismiss in MPAA v Hughes

Author: JT Smith

CT2600 has gone on the offensive against the MPAA in the Connecticut version of the DeCSS cases. CT2600 has filed a motion to dismiss claiming that the motion picture companies are the wrong plaintiffs and that DeCSS is not an access circumvention device. Read the brief here. -Anonymous Reader


  • Linux

NewsForge discussions up and running

Author: JT Smith

After many delays, the NewsForge discussion page is finally open for business (and pleasure). There is no such thing as an “off topic” post in any one thread here, unlike a certain other site we could name.Also unlike that other site, only our editors have moderation power so far, but that may change; we’ll see how things go.

We have made our discussions page totally open-ended. Anything you want to say that relates to Open Source or free software in any way is on-topic here, and you are free to set your own subject whether or not it has to do with any stories we have run recently.

You can also use NewsForge discussions to communicate with NewsForge editors or to suggest improvements to the site. We check in regularly and will answer questions and respond to your comments as often as possible.

One thing we ask is that you please refrain from posting obviously unsuitable (as in obscene or blatantly offensive) material. This is a news site, not a free-for-all melee. NewsForge editors can and will remove any posts they don’t think belong here, without explanation.

You can post anonymously or — assuming you are a registered NewsForge user — under your real (or at least login) name. It’s up to you.

If you register (assuming you haven’t already), you can also do neat things like customize your NewsForge home page and see a groovy grey bar across the NewsVac Links section that’ll show you where you left off reading the last time you checked NewsForge. But we can talk about the benefits of having a NewsForge account at another time — like after we get t-shirts printed or come up with some other slick giveaway.

And please, don’t expect anything as fancy as a car if you sign up with NewsForge, okay? We’re focused on news, not glitz, around here. To have a chance of winning the much-ballyhooed Slashdot Cruiser, you need to sign up at OSDN.com, the central site for the whole Open Source Development Network, of which NewsForge is merely one small (although *ahem* vital) part.