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A secure distribution: SmoothWall Linux 0.9.4

Author: JT Smith

Richard Morrell of VA Linux (Newsforge.com is owned by OSDN, a division of VA Linux) is the creator of this distro available at SourceForge. “This isn’t a VA project,” says Morrell. Read more about it at LinuxPlanet.com.


  • Linux

Remote control soda machines: your mobile is the clicker

Author: JT Smith

But don’t stand too far away, because someone might steal your Coke. Read about the prototype at ZDCOUK.

Get DRAMs now while they’re “cheap”

Author: JT Smith

Bloomberg reports on Hyundai assertions that DRAM prices are headed back up, after a twenty one percent drop in early September.


  • Unix

Internet music box looks like traditional radio

Author: JT Smith

It looks like a boom box, frees you from the desktop ball and chain, and lets you tune in to over 800 Internet radio stations. From a report at Wired.com.

Sure, but will it filter out Martian pornography?

Author: JT Smith

Pornsweeper software claims to block nude and semi-nude images by looking for flesh tones. Honest! Get the body paint ready. From Computeruser.com.

Open source licenses are boring and obtuse

Author: JT Smith

A “deep structural weirdness clings to the world of open source licensing,” says Andrew Leonard. That and other deep thoughts in the article at Salon.com.


  • Open Source

Proudly facilitating voter fraud and American felonies

Author: JT Smith

An uppity little Australian company is set to make big bucks with its Voteauction.com site. Three companies have bid on buying blocks of votes in the “$200,000 to millions” range, according to a report at Wired.com.

Windows security expert: “Linux easier to crack”

Author: JT Smith

Linux Security interviewed Avi Fogel, the CEO of Network-1, to get his take on the Internet and open source security.


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Here’s where to get your free, big name e-books

Author: JT Smith

M.J. Rose turns us on to #Bookwarez, that has links to lots of places where bootleg copies of Angela’s Ashes, The Stand, and others are there for the taking. Wired.com has the story.


  • Linux

Book review: Building Linux Clusters

Author: JT Smith

They say its a good read for administrators looking to take steps toward parallel computing. From 32BitsOnline.


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