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Web-based OpenSource ERP package for Linux

Author: JT Smith

LIFE releases the latest version of it’s ERP software package — D.E.A. V2.0 — under the Open Source GNU General Public
License, from the Life webpage.

Sun-Cobalt deal boosts confidence in Linux sector

Author: JT Smith

Sun’s recent $2 billion acquisition of Cobalt Networks immediately inflated market values for the sector’s Top 3 companies, reports Upside Today.


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Sun to establish accessibility lab and establish fund with Gnome Foundation

Author: JT Smith

Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced it will establish an
Accessibility Technologies Lab to work on technology development for people with disabilities, according to PRNewswire, the lab will work to develop an assistive technologies
framework for utilities, device drivers, and voice interaction capabilities
for the upcoming GNOME 2.0 — a free, open-source, and easy-to-use user

Linux security, or rather, the lack thereof

Author: JT Smith

osOpinion article concludes, “your best bet to stay safe is sadly still to upgrade soon and often.”


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Getting past Carnivore?

Author: JT Smith

According to this Linuxnewbie article, you don’t have to be a genius to figure out ways to circumvent Carnivore.


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Analysts wonder if Microsoft’s best years are behind it

Author: JT Smith

Investors and consumers alike are wondering what’s in store for the company’s next quarter century – and if its best days are behind it, from the Boston Globe on ComputerNewsDaily.

Gnutella creator finds new way to tweak AOL chat program

Author: JT Smith

Story from The Wall Street Journal on MSNBC.com News proclaims, the latest creation of the 21-year-old programmer enables users of AOL’s wildly popular Instant Messenger to delete the ads from the online
chat program and what’s more, a Web site owned by Nullsoft — and ultimately AOL — has been giving away the software.

Accessing a Microsoft SQL Server database from PHP running under Linux

Author: JT Smith

This article, from PHPBuilder.com, explains how it is possible to connect and query an MS SQL server (running under a Windows operating system) from php installed on a unix box.

Message from the Debian Project

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News announces, Debian is phasing out support for Debian 2.1.

ActiveState releases Perl Dev Kit 2.0

Author: JT Smith

Linux Programming reports, ActiveState, a leading supplier of products and services supporting open source infrastructure software, announced today the availability of a new version of the Perl Dev Kit.