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Embedded Linux can now link with Windows

Author: JT Smith

A company called Intrinsyc has developed new software that makes the merging of the two OSs possible, claims Canada News Wire.

Workers should be allowed to play on the ‘Net

Author: JT Smith

Survey says, employees who browse won’t grouse (as much) – but we already knew that, PCWorld.

Stodgy IBM and greedy MS set to supply new businesses

Author: JT Smith

Don’t worry your pretty little head any longer about which operating system to adopt.. we’ve got it all taken care of, says Enfrastructure. But they’re not an incubator, insist the proprietors. Sound a little insidious? From the Chicago Tribune online.


  • Open Source

New graphics board clocks up to 460 MHz

Author: JT Smith

plans to phase out the 32MB Hercules 3D Prophet II
GTS – in fact, it has already ceased production to make room for the new kid on the block, says PCWorld.com.

Napster might be the future of radio

Author: JT Smith

The technology is “revolutionizing” the way people get their music. Radio had better adapt – move it or lose it, says this Reuters report at Yahoo!

Goody two-shoes file-swapping app from Paris

Author: JT Smith

“We don’t violate copyrights,” says ZDen, but you’ll have to pay for the privilege. From Redherring.com.


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New KDE news site is open for business

Author: JT Smith

The folks at KDE Dot News even have a manifesto typed up – they must mean business. From LinuxPR.com.

New distros show up on Linux radar

Author: JT Smith

Linux World News takes a quick look at two new releases: ASPLinux, derived from RedHat; and kmLinux, a German distro intended for use in schools.


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Linux sales slogans? Branding events? We could be headed this way

Author: JT Smith

Dennis Powell at LinuxToday says the air over the Cathedral and the Bazaar is about to get real smoggy. It’s beginning to look a lot like commercialism.

KDE’s kvt graphical shell may have root exploit

Author: JT Smith

SecurityFocus is warning of a potential hole in kvt, the X terminal emulator that comes with KDE.


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