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New KDE news site is open for business

Author: JT Smith

The folks at KDE Dot News even have a manifesto typed up – they must mean business. From LinuxPR.com.

New distros show up on Linux radar

Author: JT Smith

Linux World News takes a quick look at two new releases: ASPLinux, derived from RedHat; and kmLinux, a German distro intended for use in schools.


  • Linux

Linux sales slogans? Branding events? We could be headed this way

Author: JT Smith

Dennis Powell at LinuxToday says the air over the Cathedral and the Bazaar is about to get real smoggy. It’s beginning to look a lot like commercialism.

KDE’s kvt graphical shell may have root exploit

Author: JT Smith

SecurityFocus is warning of a potential hole in kvt, the X terminal emulator that comes with KDE.


  • Linux

MP3.com takes more flack

Author: JT Smith

Attending a music industry conference, MP3.com is taking new flack from other distribution companies. ZDNet has more.


  • Open Source

You know, for kids!

Author: JT Smith

By Emmett Plant
NewsForge Columnist

Speaking of GNU/Linux

As Norville Barnes pulls out a crumpled piece of paper from
his pocket
presents it to Sidney Mussberger in the film “The Hudsucker
Proxy,” he
unveils a simple circle, saying, “You know, for kids!” The
idea goes on
make millions for Hudsucker Industries, much to the chagrin
of the
board. Will new Linux distributions come wrapped as Blue
Letters?Norville Barnes is a regular schnook, a total buffoon. No
one on the
board expects him to create the idea that launches the
company through
financial stratosphere. They’re actually betting on him
burying the
so they can buy back the stock for pennies on the dollar,
making them
millionaires all over again. So they bet the company on the
kid. How many Linux companies are doing just this?

Most of the Linux enthusiasts I meet are younger people.
I’ve met at
one 11-year-old Linux user. On the other hand, I know
Linux users
are close to 80 years old, but on the whole, the median
is people my

age. If it helps you at all, I was born in 1976. Most of
the people I
with are my age, as well. At my last job, everyone on the
core staff was

23 for a couple of months at the same time. I
will say this,
though. The people that tend to get the most excited about
Linux are the

people at the opposite ends of the age spectrum.

There’s a weird kind of multi-generational quality to the
community. A lot of us are young kids not quite out of high
school, and
lot of us are part of the older Linux generation, you know,
beards and
suspenders. If you’ve ever met Jay Sulzberger or “Maddog”
Hall, you know

precisely who I’m
talking about. The people that were working in computers
before Windows
was created are paying attention to the new young upstarts
and learning
enjoy it. After all, it didn’t cost them hundreds of
dollars to try it
out, and they can run it on their home computers.

There’s also a lot of in-betweeners, and this is where I
hear most of
complaining. People who say that Linux is for kids, and
it’s not for
business.” People who say that Linux is a toy. Linux is a
toy? It wasn’t

until I installed Enlightenment that I got a real window
manager. If
not for real business, than how come I can do my business
tasks on it? I

don’t even own a Windows machine. I do everything using
Linux. Everything. I manage. These people are born from the
Windows age,

and want everything all at once. These people are the ones
that say that

Linux isn’t ready for anything, let alone the desktop.
They’ll run Linux

(or at least they’ll claim to), and complain constantly.

The good thing about the super-young set of the Linux
enthusiast crowd
that they’re learning Linux before they start learning
about networking,

TCP/IP, file server technology and thin clients. That’s a
thing, because if you’re at that age and you can play with
that stuff
using a gig or so on mom and dad’s machine, fantastic.
Spend your summer

and your spare time learning Linux!

I feel good about tomorrow’s middle ground. Tomorrow’s
Linux Users will
yesterday’s pubescent teenagers, and they’ll have a clue.
know filesystems and basic system administration like the
back of
their hand, and they’ll have some C or shell scripting in
their belt, as

well. Hopefully they won’t be running BSD.

See you in seven.


  • News

DUPE = RoboCup robotic soccer tournament powered by linux

Author: JT Smith

MaximumLinux is reporting on the use of Linux in the RoboCup robotic soccer tournament in Australia.

Japan group wants to match US internet dominance

Author: JT Smith

A Japanese group wants their country to become the dominant force in high-technology on the internet by 2005. The story at ZDNet.


  • Linux

Intel introduces wireless architecture

Author: JT Smith

Intel is introducing a new wireless architecture, says NW Fusion.


  • Unix

Digital music initiative nearly ready

Author: JT Smith

InfoWorld has a feature on the Secure Digital Music Initiative : “But the question remains whether this time SDMI is in the spotlight to stay. SDMI is the music industry’s response to the challenges posed by the digitalization of music. In the future, many, and possibly all, compact discs will be SDMI-compliant, meaning that each song will have a ‘watermark’ embedded in it. When songs are copied to a computer, this watermark will govern how a song may be copied and played and who has to pay for it and when.”