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Windows Me: Don’t bother

Author: JT Smith

From a column at ZDNet: “Like so many other suckers, I purchased Windows Millennium Edition last week and spent the weekend installing it.
I can save you reading the rest of this column by offering a single word of advice: Don’t.”

Linux-powered robot competition

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss RoboCup2000, in which teams competed by using LInux to build
sensory and visual intelligence into robots.


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Company shows off $200 Internet PCs

Author: JT Smith

Via Technologies announced Wednesday its Starter Information PC
Reference System, for as low as $199. One of the keys to the low price is that the system uses the open-source Linux
operating system rather than Microsoft’s Windows,

reports the IDG News Service.


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Red Hat announces subscription service

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat is planning a new concept in the provision of its Linux software to users, “essentially a subscription service that connects customers to Red Hat’s central office, allowing them to receive all Red Hat Linux software updates and patches as well as news of kernel and other Linux developments for a monthly fee.” The story is from eWeek.


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TurboLinux powers China’s Olympic Webcast

Author: JT Smith

Shawei.com Olympics webcasts draw 20 million hits daily on high availability Internet solution built by TurboLinux, Compaq and Oracle, from Linux PR.

Industry’s first dual-processor 1U rackmount server

Author: JT Smith

BSD Today reports, BSDi, the leader in Internet infrastructure-grade solutions, will announce its iXtreme Series 1U rackmount Internet servers — the industry’s first dual-processor 1U systems with dual hot-swappable hard drives.

Integrated Development Environment and Rapid Application Development tool reviewed

Author: JT Smith

LinuxProgramming states, Simplicity Professional provides an incredibly cool and an incredibly frustrating Integrated Development Environment and Rapid Application Development tool.

RIAA: 4,500 Web sites offer ‘illegal’ music

Author: JT Smith

Reuters on TechWeb: The Recording Industry
Association of America (RIAA) said Tuesday that in the
first half of 2000, it had notified more than 4,500 music
websites in the U.S. that it identified as illegally offering
copyrighted material via commercial Internet service

LinuxMonth is back

Author: JT Smith

After being stagnant for a few months LinuxMonth is please to present the third issue of LinuxMonth.


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Filtering I/O in Apache 2.0

Author: JT Smith

Apache Today article covers all of the basic concepts for writing filters.