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The plan for Zope 2.3.0

Author: JT Smith

Zope.org offers a high-level overview of the next planned Zope feature release.


  • Open Source

IBM’s DB2 Universal Database 7.1 shines

Author: JT Smith

From a review at Linux World: “IBM has become legendary in the Linux community for its repeated announcements and
reannouncements regarding Linux support. It seems every six months at some Linux show or even
a general PC show, IBM pledges across-the-board Linux support. That is all very odd because
since Big Blue’s first altar conversion a couple of years ago, it has done a great deal for the Linux
community (despite purported resistance from the AIX group), but by constantly reproclaiming its
allegiance, it gives the impression that it never followed through on prior pledges.”


  • Linux

Intel makes Open Runtime Platform Open Source

Author: JT Smith

Intel Corporation has
announced that it is placing an Open Runtime Platform into the open source
community as a research platform for advancing e-Business applications. E-Business
applications are typically compiled to an intermediate computer language rather than the
traditional executable used for PC applications. This intermediate language gives these
applications a flexibility that enables different platforms to cooperate in completing an
electronic transaction.
The press release comes from Business Wire.

Australian Installfest: Virtual LUV-in

Author: JT Smith

From Australian site Fairfax IT: “What happens when you put hundreds of geeks, more
than 130 computers, a bottomless supply of iced Cokes, a
100 megabit ethernet LAN, hundreds of copies of the rebel
Linux operating system and caffeine-loaded, penguin
peppermints together in one room? A LUV-In.

About 300 people braved a winter squall to attend the
Linux Users of Victoria’s (LUV) largest-ever Installfest at
Monash University earlier this month.” More from linuxworld.com.au.


  • Linux

Penguin Computing, VeriSign, Nuron sign agreement

Author: JT Smith

VeriSign, a provider of Internet trust services, along with Nuron
LLC, a developer of programmable logic coprocessors, and Penguin Computing, a provider of reliable Linux-based systems for Internet serving, hve
announced an agreement to integrate VeriSign’s Web site digital certificates into
Penguin Computing’s Linux-based servers with Nuron’s adaptive computing
boards. Penguin Computing’s AcB-equipped Web servers will now
provide customers with a one-step, out-of-the-box process to deploy secure
e-commerce Web sites. The press release is at LinuxPR.

Metallicster: Non-centralized music swapping system

Author: JT Smith

Two British programmers, calling
themselves Xor and RandomDan, have created a music-swapping system,
called Metallicster, that has no central server. The BBC has the story.

Avocent’s KVM switches solve space issues

Author: JT Smith

A Linux World review tackles the question of whether Avocent’s Linux-tested KVM
switches offer relief for the problem of how to manage many computers on
one desktop.


  • Unix

Thorn in Microsoft’s side to leave government post

Author: JT Smith

Assistant Attorney General Joel Klein, the guy who launched the
antitrust case to break up Microsoft, is leaving the
government at the end of the month. Wired.com has the story.

RIAA cracking down on campus music ‘pirates’

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet has a followup story on the RIAA going after music-traders on college campuses. Watch out, they’re coming for you.

Sun releases Java for wireless devices

Author: JT Smith

From a short story at InfoWorld: “Sun says its Mobile Information Device (MID) profile will enhance Internet surfing on wireless devices by allowing better graphics and more interactive features. The open-source, standards-based protocol will work for any device, without programming changes.”