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House subcommittee votes to ban Internet fees

Author: JT Smith

CNet News reports, in a surprise move, a House subcommittee late last night voted to bar federal regulators from imposing any fees on Internet traffic, including voice services.

Syndeo Collaboration Suite 2.1 supports IBM’s RS/6000 platform

Author: JT Smith

Macadamian Technologies Inc., a provider of eBusiness and Linux solutions, today announced that the Syndeo Collaboration Suite 2.1 is now IBM Netfinity ServerProven, and now fully supports IBM’s WebSphere Application Server and DB2 Universal Database on the RS/6000
platform, from Canada NewsWire.

Launching into Java

Author: JT Smith

Java World reports on new client-side technologies bringing Java apps out of the Web and onto the desktop.

Apple licenses Amazon’s 1-Click

Author: JT Smith

Reuters on ZDNet: Apple Computer Inc. on Monday became the first company to license Amazon.com’s 1-Click technology, a coveted and controversial process that vastly simplifies online shopping.

Sun snaps up Cobalt Networks for $2B

Author: JT Smith

After the merger, Cobalt, whose server appliances run on
Linux, will become the server appliance business unit of Sun’s
Network Service Provider organization, reports ZDNet.


  • Linux

Phreaks get back to basics in New Zealand

Author: JT Smith

255,000 Auckland telephone service subscribers are part of a brand-new reverse directory that a group of pHrEaKs are threatening to publish on the Internet. From a report at the New Zealand Herald.


  • Linux

Linux community boycotting bogus ‘hacking challenge’

Author: JT Smith

The much maligned music industry is calling for crackers to vie for a chance at $10,000, to be split among those who are able to dismantle any of a number of new technologies designed to protect digital music. The editor of Linux Journal has called for a boycott of the contest, which he says is using contestants as a ‘free consulting service,’ according to a report at ZDNET.


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Yahoo! says “buh-bye” to Amazon.com

Author: JT Smith

Not only that, according to a story at NandoTimes.com, but the mega-portal is adding insult to injury and forging a partnership with Amazon rival Barnesandnoble.com.

Expedia kissing up to privacy-loving travelers

Author: JT Smith

The travel site’s new privacy policy lets consumers decide what will be done with the information they provide, reports Wired.com, unlike Amazon’s recent CYA move that treats sensitive information as a company asset.


  • Linux

System on a chip – would you like fries with that?

Author: JT Smith

Set-top boxes, thin client servers, and mobile devices are the targets that National Semiconductor has in mind with its new family of all in one chips. PCWorld.com has the story.


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