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TiVo, TV your way

Author: JT Smith

All Linx Devices has a review about TiVo: “TV Your Way. Sounds good doesn’t it? That’s the slogan from Tivo. For years now
we have heard the promise of TV on demand. No longer will we have to watch a
certain show at a certain time. Of course, there have always been VCRs, but they
were mainly built to be set manually to record certain shows. Most people have no
idea how to program their own VCRs and use them effectively.”


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Trojan horse report: More FUD?

Author: JT Smith

A Wired.com story asks techies about the computer emergency response team warning that a Trojan horse has been unleashed and a huge denial of service attack could take down the entire Internet. “This is just another case of freakin’ FUD (fear, uncertainty,
doubt) that has attracted the media like flies to a piece of rotting
meat,” laughed Cliff Robertson, an open source programmer.


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Student faces felony charges for downloading music

Author: JT Smith

Wired.com follows up on earlier reports that an Oklahoma State University student was arrested for downloading “illegal” music files. The faces possible state felony charges for copyright infringement after university officials acted on a complaint from RIAA.

Linux Showcase & Conference gets facelift

Author: JT Smith

From an annoucement at Linux Today: “The teaming up of the USENIX Association and the Atlanta Linux
Showcase is producing a new kind of Linux Conference. Next month’s 4th Annual
Linux Showcase & Conference (ALS 2000) technically saavy program has
already attracted platinum sponsorship from heavyweights in the Linux community
such as VA Linux, SuSE, Atipa, IBM, Compaq, and RedHat.”

Opinion: Gnome needs a facelift

Author: JT Smith

From an opinion at ZDNet UK: “Despite its successes as a server operating
system, Linux has had a rough time on the
desktop, and quite rightly so. For all the potential
benefits of open source code, and Linux’s
reliability in comparison with some of Microsoft’s
operating systems, none of Linux’s various
distributions offers anywhere near the ease of use
required from a general-purpose operating system.”


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Opinion: Gnome vs. KDE isn’t worth much energy

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet has a column about conflicts in the Open Source community: “I watch the conflicts in the Linux world with a good measure of
amusement and detachment. Really, when it comes to whether the majority
of Linux users adopt KDE or GNOME it’s not worth a lot of mental energy:
users usually move in the direction of their self-interest, enlightened or not. I
don’t particularly care about toolkits, as most programmers will use the one
that best fits their needs. Since I dislike being defined by others, it matters
little to me what Microsoft is doing at any particular moment. And the nature
of many of the hot-buttons issues in the Linux community really does throw
me for a loop.”


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Web site Kuro5hin returns

Author: JT Smith

Tech news site Kuro5hin has returned after a brief layoff due to a denial of service attack. Slashdot readers celebrate. More from The Register.

Faster wireless LANs on the way

Author: JT Smith

Wireless networks running at 54 mbps are due out early next year, and will lead to greater adoption of wireless LANs, reports PC World.


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HP Unix server offers varied pricing, support

Author: JT Smith

Comperworld reviews Hewlett-Packard’s new Superdome server.

“Hewlett-Packard Co.’s new Superdome high-end
Unix server, announced last week, is aiming to be different from
competing machines, not just on the technology front but also in the
way it’s priced and supported, according to users and analysts.”


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