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Dustpuppy vs. Grunt

Author: JT Smith

Userfriendly.org and Loki games are teaming up for a unique Quake III contest, as posted to linuxpr.com.

Study: UK e-tailer fraud at 40 percent

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet reports 40% fraud rate among online retailers. “Forty percent of companies admitted to having been repeatedly attacked by the same fraudster before detecting any criminal activity.

Bind 9.0.0 Final Released

Author: JT Smith

BIND v9.0.0 final was released today; slashdot has the full story.


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Pumpkins smash Virgin with MP3 rebellion

Author: JT Smith

The Smashing Pumpkins have released their final album in MP3 format, mainly because Virgin has “denied it the support it deserves.ZDNet has more.

Student gets PC confiscated for distributing MP3s

Author: JT Smith

The RIAA confiscated a student’s PC and peripherals and intends to proscute for the spreading of MP3s. “He was advocating other people to download the music and upload music he didn’t have,” said James Alexander, an OSU assistant director. “He’d been advertising in chat rooms and we decided to notify the police.” Discussion and link courtesy of Slashdot.

The week in review

Author: JT Smith

CNet’s customary week in review is posted. “Both Apple Computer and Microsoft this week released the latest versions of their separate computer operating systems, yet critics were pointing out problems and challenges even before consumers got a chance to tear open the shrink-wrapped boxes.


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Things just aren’t the same around the office these days.

Author: JT Smith

C|Net reports on the changes around the office, as well as NASDAQ, caused by the shift from pen and paper.

Cox releases Linux 2.2.18pre9

Author: JT Smith

More USB drivers, as well as ARM updates in Linux 2.2.18pre9 (from LWN).


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Poor planning hurts online businesses

Author: JT Smith

One reason for many European ebusiness failures, says ZDNet.uk, is that only about half the companies trying to move their businesses online have any kind of business plan at all, and the rest often have shaky ones.


  • Open Source

DeCSS code comes to Legoland

Author: JT Smith

Despite (or perhaps because of) MPAA efforts, the infamous DeCSS code continues to be posted all over the Net, often in places where you wouldn’t necessarily expect it to pop up. The latest “unlikely” sighting is this page on the legoland.co.uk Web site. Update: Sad to say, the Legoland DeCSS page disappeared Sunday evening. But copies are to sure to pop up on other corporate servers. We’ll keep and eye out for them — and if you see one, please let us know.