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Inside Mac’s OS X Unix layer

Author: JT Smith

Behind the candy-coated shell, Mac OS X provides all the power of Unix with very few compromises, according to a review at MacWorld.


  • Unix

Choosing between BSD and GNU

Author: JT Smith

Linux.com article suggest, the next time you compare two programs in order to decide which to install ask yourself “Will this program do what I want?” and not “Was this written by someone I dislike?”


  • Open Source

Bill could raise Internet access rates by 33%

Author: JT Smith

Newsbytes is reporting, legislation scheduled to be voted on in a House subcommittee on Monday could force Web surfers to pay up to 33 percent more for Internet access, a coalition of Internet service providers said today.

The price of secure data

Author: JT Smith

This SecurityPortal article asks, how do we know when we are spending too much to secure our systems?


  • Linux

Sun finds & exploits hole in the precious GPL

Author: JT Smith

A gaping hole has been discovered in the GNU General Public License, the legal document at the heart of open source, and dear Sun has driven a Mack truck named Solaris x86 straight through it, from LinuxGram.


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Chernobyl virus author faces 3-years in chokey

Author: JT Smith

According to The Register, the writer of the CIH, or Chernobyl, virus has been detained by Taiwanese authorities who plan to bring him to trial for all the damage the virus caused, and if found guilty he faces up to three years in jail for his escapade.


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IPSN application in production

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR reports, The French National Institute for Nuclear Safety and Protection is using Open CASCADE for modeling extremely precise 3D environments.


  • Open Source

Real-time Linux — what is it, why do you want it, how do you do it?

Author: JT Smith

LinuxDevices.com draws on inputs from seven “real-time experts” to put together a comprehensive definition of real-time, probe the issues associated with obtaining adequate real-time performance in Linux
systems, and understand some of the alternative real-time Linux approaches.


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September CRYPTO-GRAM newsletter

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News announces the release of the Septmber issue of the CRYPTO-GRAM newsletter, providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on computer security and cryptography.


  • Linux

Future profitability of Linux

Author: JT Smith

StockHouse Financial News presents reasons why Sun Microsystems’ anti-Microsoft crusade will do wonders for Linux, and its future profitability.


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