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HP claims Superdome is ‘mother of all computers’

Author: JT Smith

“This is the mother of all computers.” So claimed Hewlett-Packard Co.’s Duane Zitzner, president of computing systems, as he helped roll out HP’s latest high-end Unix server line, the Superdome HP 9000, in New York City on Tuesday, reports ZDNet.


  • Unix

Libertarian candidate to techies: You’re no libertarian

Author: JT Smith

Libertarian Party presidential candidate Harry Browne has a message for some of the folks in Silicon Valley: You might think you’re libertarian, but you’re not. The story is at ZDNet.

Where’s Intervideo’s Linux DVD player?

Author: JT Smith

The community at Slashdot discusses Intervideo’s promise to deliver a “legal” Linux DVC player.

IBM’s light new notebook: Thin is in

Author: JT Smith

From a review of IBM’s new notebook at ZDNet: Transmeta Corp.’s Crusoe chips may also be in the future for the X-series.


  • Unix

Baltimore in PKI world-first

Author: JT Smith

Australian IT announces, Baltimore Technologies’ UniCERT is the first PKI product to be ITSEC E3 accredited in the world, but the company still has some hurdles to jump to ensure its security system has the ultimate seal of approval.


  • Linux

CA releases software delivery tool

Author: JT Smith

CRN reports, Computer Associates has released the latest version of its Unicenter TNG Software Delivery Option, but channel partners will have to wait a few more months to get their hands on it.

PC Guardian announces Road Guardian

Author: JT Smith

According to Internet Wire the product combines PC Guardian’s most popular notebook computer security cable with a suite of the company’s Encryption Plus software that protects data in folders, email, and network transmissions.


  • Linux

WAP needs lessons from i-mode

Author: JT Smith

Don’t back i-mode to beat WAP in Europe is the unequivocal message from industry analyst IDC at the European IT Forum in Monte Carlo Tuesday, reports ZDNet News.

Group challenges stress on computers in the classroom

Author: JT Smith

Billions of dollars spent on school computers and Internet access yield little long-term benefit and could be better spent on more
teachers and other improvements, a group skeptical of technology in the classroom said Tuesday, from The Associated Press.

Global Internet economy requires partnerships

Author: JT Smith

Partnerships are the cornerstone to building the infrastructure for a global economy and then succeeding in it, a high-ranking U.S. government official said Tuesday at the Internet Commerce Expo,
InfoWorld News.