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Bill Gates says English will remain the Net’s dominant language

Author: JT Smith

“MELBOURNE, Australia (AP)–English will remain the
language of the World Wide Web despite skyrocketing
Internet use in Asia, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said
Tuesday.” Read it at Austin360.com

CMOS image sensors may make digital photography better and cheaper

Author: JT Smith

Startup Foveon Inc. and photo giant Eastman Kodak both claim that by the end of next year they will be producing CMOS image sensors in the works that can produce twice the resolution of 35 mm film “at a fraction of today’s costs.” Story at www.nandotimes.com.


  • Linux

Alan Cox announces Linux 2.2.18pre4

Author: JT Smith

LhD news item:
” Newest prelease of the stable Linux kernel fixes a number of small bugs and ext2 races.”


  • Linux

Corporate control of Open Source – only in asylums

Author: JT Smith

“The very idea of anyone having power over Open Source lies in the culture of corporate management. The very definition of management gives us a clear picture of what lies ahead: Management provides direction, control and administration of organizations. Do you want clueless management directing, controlling and administering your code? How about your life? What’s the difference between that and slavery?” Kelly McNeill

An insider’s take on China’s dot-com meltdown

Author: JT Smith

Short but insightful BusinessWeek Online look at how American dot-com entrepreneurs who rushed to China in 1999 are finding that a potential market of over one billion people means nothing if you can’t make a profit serving the small percentage of them that has Internet access today.

Newest notebooks – “top 15” rated and compared

Author: JT Smith

Excellent PC World overview of the latest, lightest laptops. Includes handy “side by side” comparison chart of top 5 in three price-defined categories.


  • Unix

Configuration-based mod_per security problem in Linux-Mandrake

Author: JT Smith

The note and (easy) fix are at LWN, courtesy of the Mandrake security team.


  • Linux

BeOpen PythonLabs launches Python professional services program

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPR blurb claims, “The Program offers custom application development, technical support and Python
technology development for dotcoms and major enterprises.”

The Internet in your hands

Author: JT Smith

Scientific American overview (with nice graphics) of portential wireless Internet changes and advances over the next decade or so.

The best argument against Net regulation

Author: JT Smith

In stark contrast to the wide-open, fast-paced world of the computer, the telephone sector has had a long history of stagnation and scarcity, driven by heavy regulation. Deregulation has brought spectacularly lower long-distance rates – but much of the sector remains regulated. And the latest battle in Congress is a perfect example of what’s wrong with regulated markets.” Kelly McNeill