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Lineo responds to competitor’s claims

Author: JT Smith

From a letter at LWN.net: “You may have noticed a recent announcement by one of Lineo’s competitors
claiming they were the ‘first to deliver hard real-time Linux.’ We at Lineo take issue with this claim … ”

Loki leads the Linux gaming revolution

Author: JT Smith

Leading the Linux gaming revolution is a Tustin, California company called Loki Entertainment Software, which converts (or “ports”) popular Windows games for play on Linux. Wired.com
features Loki.

Security update to xpdf

Author: JT Smith

There are two security problems in xpdf, the PDF file viewer.
The first is that temporary files were created insecurely.

The second problem is that xpdf was not cautious enough when the
user clicked on a URL. Xpdf would start the URL viewer (netscape
by default) via the system shell, not properly taking care of
shell meta characters. The advisory is at LWN.net.


  • Linux

Wasabi lands $500,000 first round funding

Author: JT Smith

Wasabi Systems, a Silicon Alley firm that develops UNIX-like operating systems, has landed $500,000 in first round funding. The round was led by a range of individual and institutional investors, reported @NewYork.


  • Open Source

Miguel de Icaza: Free the software

Author: JT Smith

Miguel de Icaza, a 27- year-old programmer from Mexico, thinks nobody should have to pay hundreds of dollars for the latest copy of Microsoft Word for Windows — or any other software, for that matter. He believes it should all be free. There’s a feature on the Gnome guru from Newsweek International.


  • Migration

Linux in Education Report for Sept. 11

Author: JT Smith

“In the past two weeks SEUL/edu has talked about our participation in various tradeshows. Our self-defined role is to foster educational applications for Linux. So far we’ve attended and presented at a handful of Linux shows in North America and Europe. It occurred to us that that may not be getting our message across to the people most in need of hearing it: teachers and school administrators.” Check out the full report.

Linuxlab: We make e-commerce easy

Author: JT Smith

Linuxlab has announced the eGET Service, its custom software service supporting needs of e-commerce providers using the Linux operating system. The press release is at LinuxPR.

Record industry argues, again, for Napster injunction

Author: JT Smith

Just as new statistics show music-swap service Napster growing at incredible speed, the record industry has asked a federal appeals court judge to shut it down, reports Napster.

70South announces WAP service expansion for polar news

Author: JT Smith

70South, the Open Source-based polar news site, extended its lead as the premier polar information site by announcing today the expansion of it WAP based services. The new feature enables users to send emails via their WAP based phones. Now besides being able to view your Antarctic and polar related news on the move via your phone, users will be able to send email via a WAP interface. In the comming weeks 70Souths plans to release several other features that are currently in trials. The press release is at LinuxPR.

Open publishing: the Net and the e-book

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss the future of e-books. ” ‘E-books’ is the latest buzzword in publishing, made up of companies that are about as open as the NSA. Maybe the publishers ought to consider the real lessons of Net and try being as open and innovative as some of their successful young interactive writers. After all, there’s money in it.”