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Half Keyboard for Palm, Handspring, Windows, Macintosh, and Linux

Author: JT Smith

Matias Corporation today announced its development and manufacturing partners for its new Half Keyboard product for Palm and Handspring handheld computers: Code Mercenaries and DS International, Inc., from PRNewswire.

ComputerSmarts.net re-opens

Author: JT Smith

ComputerSmarts.net has recently re-opened its doors for operation, the site revolves around user-submitted articles about Programming in Linux, CGI, Perl, Java, JavaScript, COBOL, Pascal, Visual Basic, C and C++, and more.

Intel, industry leaders form mobile web alliance

Author: JT Smith

Intel, BT Cellnet, Dell Computer Corp., France Telecom, Fujitsu
Siemens Computers, HP, Motorola Inc., Siemens Mobile, Sonera and Toshiba Corp. have agreed to identify and remove common technical and
market barriers that currently limit mobile connectivity and performance for mobile phone users, reports Reuters.

Mvion may simplify data search on wireless devices

Author: JT Smith

Information Week Online reports, Mvion’s Mobile Navigator application effectively takes a business customer’s information in database, flat-file, or HTML formats and maps it to an Extensible Markup cross-reference information.

Could it be GroupWise’s last stand?

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet surmises, as Novell Inc. struggles to remake itself into a company capable of competing in the Internet age, it must find
the focus and energy to fight one last battle against its old rival, Microsoft Corp., in the all-important groupware arena.

Upgrade to NTMail messaging solution

Author: JT Smith

PRNewswire: Gordano Ltd., a leading provider of Internet messaging software, today announced the immediate availability of NTMail 6.0, a major upgrade to the company’s powerful, affordable Internet mail server solution.

Countdown to OS X public beta

Author: JT Smith

MacWeek reports, at this week’s Apple Expo in Paris, Apple Computer plans to release the long-awaited public beta of Mac OS X.


  • Open Source

Approval for car makers’ online parts exchange

Author: JT Smith

According to the Wall Street Journal, federal antitrust regulators are expected to approve one of the first big business-to-business Internet marketplaces, a massive online parts bazaar set up by the Big-Three auto makers, giving a major boost to
online commerce.

Gates: ‘Linux can’t compete’

Author: JT Smith

In a wide-ranging interview with Australian IT, Mr. Gates said the open source nature of the software stopped anyone making the investments necessary for the operating system to become a serious rival to Windows.


  • Linux

‘Big Sister’ in the works?

Author: JT Smith

The Associated Press reports, while the Justice Department decides which group will perform
an independent review of the much-criticized Carnivore e-mail surveillance system, Attorney General Janet Reno says she wants to
change the name of the tool to something a little less threatening.