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Ex-Microsoft engineers + Netscape Money = Linux-based software startup

Author: JT Smith

In an ironic twist, a startup funded heavily by former Netscape CEO Jim Barksdale and staffed heavily by former Microsoft developers and executives is building new Web server infrastructure tools — using open standards and Linux. Learn more about the new company, Crossgain, from CNet.


  • Open Source

IBM Unveils ‘Blue Hammer’ Web Server Cluster

Author: JT Smith

“NEW YORK — IBM Corp. Monday will unveil a powerful new
system for clustering Internet servers, a set-up aimed at
permitting e-commerce firms to streamline their management of
high-performance IBM computers used to host Web sites,” says TechWeb.

Socket A shootout

Author: JT Smith

Australian IT asks, “What’s the right motherboard for an Athlon or Duron
CPU? That depends on whether you’re building a boring
business box, or a fire-breathing monster game


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Talk with the Helix (Gnome) people

Author: JT Smith

“What the Guys Are Up To” is the catchy title of a glowing story at LinuxPlanet based on an interview with Miguel and Nat from Helix Code.


  • Linux

Review: Windtunnel IV ATX Case (repeat)

Author: JT Smith

By Jeff Field
Some people spend all of their time doing different mods on their cases. Adding neon lights, cutting holes for airflow, adding fans, and other such things to make their “rig” better than anyone elses at LAN parties. Some people, such as myself, just don’t have the time for this. So, what is the person who doesn’t have the time to mod their case but still needs six fans to do? Well, the guys at CoolerGuys would like to offer their services, selling a line of pre-modded cases called the Windtunnels. Today, I review their new WindTunnel IV.

The case
The Windtunnel IV, from the front, looks like your average ATX case. Three external 5 1/4″ bays and two 3 1/2″ bays are visible, a power button, and the reset button. Absolutely nothing of note. However, take a look around the case and suddenly the differences become clear. The Windtunnel IV from Coolerguys.com has a total of six fans, in addition to the fan in the power supply. Two on the top to move heat that would otherwise sit at the top of the case out, an intake fan in the front, an exhaust fan in the back, and the two large intake fans on the side of the case, and let me tell you these things definately move some air, with the airflow from the machine being by my side making a noticeable amount of air moving around me, an added benefit which I had not expected – it works as a box fan as well as a computer case.

As for the usual case specifications, this thing certainly does not lack. It has three 5 1/4″ bays and 5 3 1/2″ bays (two of which are visible from the outside of the case). The motherboard tray (which is removable) has plenty of room, so much that for most operations inside the case you probably will not have to acctually remove the motherboard tray, which is very nice, since removing the tray means disconnecting most of the connections from the motherboard. While working inside the case, I definately appreciated the smooth edges inside the case. I could not find a single sharp edge inside this thing, a blessing for those who know what it is like to get a case cut. Blood and PCs generally do not mix, and the guys over at CoolerGuys took note of this, making sure their case was not only functional but easy to work in.

As for how easy to acctually work with the case is, CoolerGuys did something that I wish PC and case makers had made a standard a long time ago – they used thumbscrews. The case has thumbscrews for the case sides, the motherboard tray, and the internal drive bays. Four thumbscrews gets you into the case. Another one lets you slide the motherboard. Two more and you can remove the 3 1/2″ drive bay for easy drive access, very nice since it means you can mount the hard drive properly without having to access the other side of the case, something that has bugged me about many a case in the past few years.

The powersupply included with the case is a Fortron-Source ATX 2.03/P4 ready 350 watt ATX power supply. It did not even seem to break a sweat running two 7200 RPM hard drives, a 10,000 RPM hard drive, a CD burner, GeForce3, Athlon 1.33GHz, 768 megabytes of RAM, the fans and a SCSI card. And, despite all these components in the system, even when overclocking up to 1.5GHz, I had no stability problems when using the machine under full load (copying files from hard drive to hard drive, burning a CD, and running the Distributed.net client in the background). Perhaps the best testament to the cooling power of this case is the fact that the 10,000 RPM drive that was in it was only warm to the touch, not the normal scorching hot it used to be, thanks to the airflow around it. My only complaint here is that I could have used more 3 1/2″ drive bays internally, so I could spread my drives out more, but otherwise, I had no complaints. The CPU temperature (measured at the outside of the CPU between the chip and the heatsync) measured at 43 degrees celcius when clocked at 1.33GHz and using a Taisol 5000RPM CPU fan, which isn’t bad at all. The amount of air moving in the case was excellent. Once I tied off all the cables and made sure there was room for the air to flow, the Windtunnel IV did its thing.

Perhaps the biggest potential problem with a case like this is the potential for noise. While I will not say the Windtunnel IV is a quiet case, I have to give it credit – it has a low, no-obtrusive hum to it, sort of like an air conditioner or a fan. After a couple hour of using the system I built in it, I did not even notice the hum anymore. Unlike some modded cases I have heard with their high pitched whines, the Windtunnel IV is a very easy case to live with, and this comes from a person who is very sensitive to annoying noises. This was perhaps the most pleasant surprise of the Windtunnel IV – finding that I could live with it.

In the end, I have to say I am very satisfied with the Windtunnel IV. To be honest, I had a bit of a bias going in – I was sure that this case was going to be great for cooling but too loud to be useful. CoolerGuys managed to prove me wrong here, making a case that is both power and easy to live with. Beyond the cooling, the Windtunnel IV is an all around excellent case, with expandability and plenty of room to work with. As configured, with the 350 watt power supply, the case will come to about $209, not a bad price for something like this, especially considering all the work you are saving yourself, if you are even the sort of person to cut up and mod a case on your own. This case is overkill for a lot of people but for those power users, gamers and tweakers who need to squeeze every ounce of performance out of a PC, the Windtunnel IV is definately a case to consider. It is available here at CoolerGuys.com.

Net vs. market and an idea called open source

Author: JT Smith

osOpinion hosts an opinon piece by Cvetan Pavloski. “Open source is an ideal that is taking shape right under the economy’s nose. The market economy is not ready for this, but the network economy is quietly laying
its groundwork underneath.

Reader submitted by Kelly McNeill.


  • Open Source

My.MP3.com resumes service

Author: JT Smith

From IDG.net:
Only two days after a judge found the company guilty of ‘willfully infringing’ the Universal Music Group’s copyrights, Internet music company MP3.com Inc. announced that it will re-launch its My.MP3.com service starting in a few weeks.

SCO lays off staff

Author: JT Smith

SCO is laying off 190 workers in preperation for the Caldera aquisition of the company. From IDG.net


  • Unix

DeCSS source mass-posted to usenet

Author: JT Smith

In a counter move to the MPAA’s policy of giving cease and decist letters to sites carrying or linking to DeCSS, DeCSS was mass posted all over usenet. Slashdot carries the discussion about the reasons and effects of this action.

High score reference for video games and pinball now online

Author: JT Smith

The high-score database containing the official world records for video game and pinball

playing is now available on the Internet as a free reference source.

It can be found by clicking on SEARCH SCORES at:
This body of information is essentially the statistical history of video game and pinball

playing from 1977 to present and has already been used as a reference source by many news

agencies and Hollywood producers, including the Guinness Book of World Records, ABC-TV’s

That’s Incredible and Jeopardy, the TV game show. In the next month, this data will be

supplemented with 15,000 further high scores which represent the new world records on

today’s current game titles.