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Two security updates from lwn.net

Author: JT Smith

The first one is about a potential xpdf exploit; the second relates to the horde and imp packages. Both were submitted as Debian security advisories, but neither (potential) problem is Debian-specific.


  • Linux

GNOME Foundation FAQ

Author: JT Smith

This is the official 1.0 version of the GNOME Foundation FAQ, not a second-hand article about the GNOME Foundation.


  • Linux

showmelinux.com rates several GNOME games

Author: JT Smith

The headline says it all – showmelinux.com reviews several of the little games that come with GNOME.


  • Linux

NewsForge headlines now available for your Web site

Author: JT Smith

by Robin ‘roblimo’ Miller

You can now have the complete NewsForge headline feed on your site, for free, no questions asked. We’ll put out a press release about this sooner or later, but thought we’d give you and other NewsForge readers a little head start.
Get the .xml version from http://www.newsforge.com/newsforge.xml, .rdf from http://www.newsforge.com/newsforge.rdf.

If you need technical help or advice or have any suggestions on how we can improve this feature, please email our lead programmer, Jamie McCarthy, at jamie@newsforge.com.

VM Code as a Software Distribution Mechanism

Author: JT Smith

This week’s freshmeat editorial. Dave Gudeman writes: “A developer who wants to make a piece of software available to others faces the
daunting task of software delivery. There are several strategies for delivering software, primarily source
code, machine binaries, and virtual machine binaries, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. I’m
going to discuss each of the alternatives, then suggest a variation that is potentially better than any of the
other solutions for commercial as well as Open Source software projects.”

VM Code as a Software Distribution Mechanism

Author: JT Smith

This week’s freshmeat editorial. Dave Gudeman writes: “A developer who wants to make a piece of software available to others faces the
daunting task of software delivery. There are several strategies for delivering software, primarily source
code, machine binaries, and virtual machine binaries, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. I’m
going to discuss each of the alternatives, then suggest a variation that is potentially better than any of the
other solutions for commercial as well as Open Source software projects.”

Are computers getting too easy to use?

Author: JT Smith

“Are Computers Getting Too Easy To Use?” See what Slashdot readers have to say on the subject.


  • Linux

New site for 3rd party Mozilla apps developers

Author: JT Smith

As the Mozilla browser creeps slowly towards the usability homestretch, outside developers are starting to express interest in using some or all of the Mozilla framework in other Open Source projects. mozDEV.org, hosted by Collab.net, is a site where they can meet and work together.


  • Open Source

Christian Right wants 2nd law of thermodyamics overturned

Author: JT Smith

According to the Onion, a parody news site, “The only ‘heat death’ Jesus ever mentioned is the one that sinners will suffer for all eternity in
the Lake of Fire,” said Indianola (MS) School Board president Bernice McCallum. “Now more than
ever, we need to hear what the Bible has to say about our public schools’ physical-science curricula.”


  • Management

SuperDLT may help Quantum regain mass storage market share

Author: JT Smith

ZDnet.co.uk reports on Quantum’s SuperDLT and the company’s efforts to compete against IBM’s recently-announced Linear Tape Open (LTO) storage devices. Quote from the story: “The Web, and the related content explosion, is the most obvious example of
why we need more storage,” said Philippe Ory, DLT marketing manager for
Quantum Europe.


  • Unix