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Wireless networks come to the Phillipines

Author: JT Smith

“While IBM and Dell race to come out with PCs for wireless networks, also known as wireless local area networks (WLANs),
the Philippine government has reversed its position on banning use of such technology in the country.” Story at ComputerUser.com.

Don’t believe all the investment advice you read on the Internet

Author: JT Smith

In an entertaining piece headlined Don’t Fall for a Dot-Con, The Washington Post warns against bad or biased investment advice online, and give some some horrifying examples.


  • Open Source

Writer declares renewed love for Mac

Author: JT Smith

In an entertaining essay, Glenn Fleishman tells Seattle Times readers why she fell away from the Apple Faith, and why she has regained it and is now doing penance for her pervious disbelief.


  • Migration

Dan Gillmor: Important questions facing all ofAmerica this election year

Author: JT Smith

Dan Gillmor’s column in the San Jose Mercury-News talks about how the current crop of American politicians doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of delaing with technology or changes technololigal advances are making in our lives.


  • Linux

Status Report On Key Internet Legislation

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot gives us a nice summary of internet legislation, including the ‘American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act,’ ‘Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Act,’ and others.

SDMI challenges hackers to crack its technology

Author: JT Smith

EETImes is reporting that the SDMI is running a contest to have people crack examples of their encryption before choosing which method will be used in SDMI approved digital music devices.

Harris wins more battles against MAPS

Author: JT Smith

Harris Interactive, a well known firm which has many email lists, has had another settlement in its lawsuit against ISPs which blocked its mailings. “Although the Harris lawsuit listed dozens of Internet service providers (ISPs), its real target was the “black hole” list published by the Mail Abuse Prevention System, known as MAPS.

World Net population nears 300 million

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet has survey results of a Neilsen rating of how many people have Internet access. “Of the 20 countries surveyed, the United States has the most wired households, with 136.9 million people over the age of two with Internet access at home.

Time for MP3.com to pay the piper

Author: JT Smith

CNET covers the recent MP3.com ruling. “A federal judge ruled MP3.com willfully infringed the copyrights of Seagram’s Universal Music Group, opening the company to enormous potential damages in one of the first trials to address the legal boundaries of Internet music distribution.

Killing the killer app

Author: JT Smith

A October court date has been in the Napster case, as reported by TheStandard. “The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals set the October date without comment and did not say which justices would sit on the three-member panel hearing the case, a landmark battle over copyright protection in cyberspace which could eventually touch books, movies and television.