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Teaching kids Internet safety with animated characters

Author: JT Smith

The Three CyberPigs, the Idea Seekers gang, and other cartoons will soon help teach children to avoid bad things on the Internet. (Not NewsForge, we hope!) Story at MSNBC. A visit to Disney’s Surf Swell Island (sponsored in part by NetNanny) may also help keep tykes safe from online dangers.

Sun joins MPEG-4 industry forum

Author: JT Smith

Press release from Sun Microsystems about its participation in an industry forum that “will enable Sun to
help accelerate the promotion and adoption of the MPEG-4 standard, which is
designed to handle the transportation, synchronization, coding and rendering
of audiovisual multimedia content for Internet and wireless applications.”

Napster responds to US Government

Author: JT Smith

PR News Wire is carrying Napster’s response to the US Government’s backing of the RIAA position in their ongoing lawsuit.

ICANN nominations draw to a close

Author: JT Smith

ICANN’s experiment in global democracy is drawing to a close, says a story at TechWeb.


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Shuttle off on latest mission

Author: JT Smith

The latest shuttle mission is up, and it marks the beginning of an ambitious marathon run to the space station over several missions.


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Intel to subsidise RamBus for Pentium IV

Author: JT Smith

Intel is subsidising RamBus technology for Pentium 4 equipped computers, potentially reducing the price by $100.


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Steve Ballmer thinks Microsoft is wonderful after 25 years

Author: JT Smith

In a ZDNet interview, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer talks about how great Microsoft has been during its first 25 years, and why the company will be even more wonderful during the next 25.

Napster case amicus brief from MPAA

Author: JT Smith

This is the full text of the brief the MPAA filed in the RIAA vs. Napster suit. Not surprisingly, the MPAA is on the RIAA’s side.

NetBSD ported to MIPS machine

Author: JT Smith

NetBSD has been successfully ported to an RC3230 made by MIPS
Computer Systems, Inc.This workstation has been sold under house brand names by Bull. Olivetti, and other vendors. Read more at NetBSD News.


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