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Dvorak ponders platforms

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet article asks, “Do we need all the processor speed we are seeing?”


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Skeptics needn’t fear BayTSP

Author: JT Smith

This article from ZDNet News explains why skeptics shouldn’t be afraid of BayTSP’s technology or that it will help law enforcement compromise their Constitutional rights.


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Your personal lackey is online

Author: JT Smith

Are some tasks too menial for you? Want a gofer? NetworkWorldFusion News suggests dialing up mylackey.com.

Microsoft dropped from spam suit

Author: JT Smith

Harris Interactive can now use Hotmail, the result of suing Microsoft and others for allegedly blocking its e-mail surveys, from ZDNet News.

Perl 6: What I did this summer

Author: JT Smith

ZDTV offers this interview with Larry Wall about Perl 6.


  • Open Source

Apple suit might protect secrets but upset Mac loyalists

Author: JT Smith

This report from SiliconValley.com says that’s the clear implication of a lawsuit filed last month against a former Apple Computer
Inc. employee who allegedly spilled the Cupertino-based computer maker’s trade secrets
via the Internet.

Tests uncover Bluetooth flaw

Author: JT Smith

Researchers have found that a flaw in the Bluetooth system allows
eavesdroppers to listen in on the digital exchange of information and
determine the identity of the user. From IT Week.

Privacy not high priority for e-businesses

Author: JT Smith

E-businesses place privacy low on their list of priorities and appear most worried
about hackers and other security issues, a survey has found. From ComputerUser.com.


  • Open Source

Cracker attacks more than 100 sites with pro-Napster notes

Author: JT Smith

Newsbytes.com reports that the unknown intruder attacked sites ranging from
NASA to the Communications Workers of America following the court
ruling earlier this week that could force MP3.com to pay millions of dollars
in damages to Universal Music Group.


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Yorkshire site defaced by angry local

Author: JT Smith

The Web site of a North Yorkshire town was defaced this week by
a enraged local computer cracker intent on wreaking terrible
revenge on the locality, reports ZDNet.


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