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Citrix unveils new thin client software

Author: JT Smith

Thin-client software vendor Citrix Systems has released
new security software that lets remote users securely
access Windows and Unix applications protected by a
corporate firewall, reports NetworkWorldFusion.com.


  • Linux

AMD Ups Duron speed grade to 750 MHz

Author: JT Smith

TechWeb.com reports that Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has ratcheted up the
speed race for value PCs by introducing a 750-MHz
Duron processor priced at $181 each in 1,000-lot


  • Unix

Largest memory maker to push output

Author: JT Smith

Samsung Electronics will invest $3.47 billion
to expand output, but predicts DRAM
shortage until 2002. From ZDNET.


  • Unix

Conectiva Linux 6.0 beta released

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News announces that the first beta for Conectiva Linux 6.0 is out.


  • Linux

osOpinion: why would the government choose MS?

Author: JT Smith

“A recent osOpinion article perked my interest about the Navy’s recent decision to use the Microsoft Windows operating system in its next generation aircraft carrier.”The answer is really quite simple – they do not have a choice in the matter. Kelly McNeill

Foldable, flexible notebook screens on the way

Author: JT Smith

PCWorld.com reports that researchers at Philips Electronics have developed a new display technology using plastic polymer semiconductors instead of silicon, which could open the way to foldable, flexible displays.


  • Unix

Corel details layoffs and restructuring

Author: JT Smith

Corel said it will eliminate 139 positions at its engineering operation in Dublin, Ireland as part of a $US40 million cost-saving measure. From PCWorld.com.


  • Open Source

IBM unveils new Thinkpad and wireless options

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports that International Business Machines Corp. on Thursday unveiled a new line of notebook computers targeted at
consumers along with new options for accessing the Internet and other networks wirelessly.


  • Unix

Land rush for top-level domains

Author: JT Smith

The five-year effort by ICANN (the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers) to expand the Internet address list is
entering the home stretch, with applications for
new top-level domain names now being
accepted. From ZDNET.

Game explosion forecast

Author: JT Smith

Mobile games promise to provide the next Internet
gold mine for entrepreneurs, according to
dramatic new research released by Datamonitor
Tuesday and reported by ZDNET.