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Security advisory for Netscape in TurboLinux

Author: JT Smith

A security hole was discovered in the package netscape-communicator 4.74 and earlier in TurboLinux versions: 6.0.5 and earlier. The advisory is at LWN.net.


  • Linux

Yahoo! makes music with RIAA

Author: JT Smith

Yahoo! Inc. has signed a deal with the Recording Industry Association of America to set up terms for music Webcasts on Yahoo!, reports ZDNet.

Know your MP3 rights

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet’s how-to section offers advice to customers about their music download rights.

MPAA pursues DeCSS posters over links

Author: JT Smith

In the last 10 days of August, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) began sending cease-and-desist orders to people who post or link to the De-Content Scrambling System (DeCSS) program from their Web sites. The update of an earlier story is at IDG.net.

Corel to lay off 139 in Ireland

Author: JT Smith

Corel said it will eliminate 139 positions at its engineering operation in Dublin, Ireland as part of a $40 million cost-saving measure, reports IDG.net. More from Canada.com.


  • Open Source

OS X: Dawning of a new Mac era

Author: JT Smith

From a column at ZDNet about the release of OS X: “Only one more week until Apple Computer Inc. makes the long-awaited Mac OS X public beta available to us rabble. This event isn’t earth-shattering by virtue of Apple hitting this milestone, though. Instead, it registers on the Richter scale because it’s a big step closer to delivering the first Unix-based consumer-oriented OS.”

Linux2order.com launches ‘widest selection’ of Linux programs

Author: JT Smith

Linux2order.com, a Web-based company offering software applications and utilities for the Linux operating system, officially launched today offering the widest selection of downloadable Linux programs on the Internet. In addition, Linux2order.com guarantees that all applications are the most current versions available, according to a press release at Internet Wire.

Judge: MP3.com must pay millions

Author: JT Smith

A federal judge found Wednesday that MP3.com Inc. willfully infringed on copyrights belonging to Seagram Co.’s Universal Music Group in a ruling that could cost the online music company between $118 million to $250 million in damages.
In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff ordered San Diego-based MP3.com to pay Universal $25,000 for each compact disc that was unlawfully copied, reports Reuters. See also the statement of Cary Sherman, RIAA general counsel. More from CNet.

Embarcadero solutions available on the Redhat.com Marketplace

Author: JT Smith

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. and Red Hat, Inc. today announced the immediate availability of Embarcadero’s ER/Studio, Rapid SQL and DBArtisan database management solutions for Red Hat Linux, reports Business Wire.

Experts debate the merits of Open Source code

Author: JT Smith

All Linux Devices reports, the pros and cons of “free,” or open source, software
and its role in the embedded industry will be an opening day highlight of the
Embedded Systems Conference scheduled for Monday, September 25 at 6:00.


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