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.comment: Peace in Our Time?

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet talks with Nat Friedman and Miguel de Icaza about the Qt license change.


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Time Warner, AOL say access won’t derail deal

Author: JT Smith

According to this Wall Street Journal article, America Online Inc. and Time Warner Inc. insist they will be able to negotiate an agreement with regulators to allow their merger to proceed.

SEC sweep targets Internet scams

Author: JT Smith

Reuters is reporting that Federal securities regulators launched their fourth Internet fraud sweep on Wednesday, this time targeting so-called “pump and dump” schemes that regulators said robbed investors of more than $10 million.

SlashTCO announce Free Help Desk

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR reports, SlashTCO is providing a Free Help Desk as one of its services to help organizations who are looking to understand the opportunities presented by Open Source technology and the impact on their Total Cost of Ownership.


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Loki and Trolltech to develop Linux applications

Author: JT Smith

According to Linux PR, Loki Software, Inc. and Trolltech will announce today a strategic alliance to provide business and end-user programs for Linux.

Zero G ships InstallAnywhere 3.5

Author: JT Smith

InstallAnywhere 3.5 features many new enhancements, such as full Java 2, version 1.3 compatibility and Linux support, extending Zero G’s leadership in the multi-platform software deployment market, reports PRNewswire.

Interview with Lineo’s Tim Bird

Author: JT Smith

The Korean Times interviews Tim Bird, Chief Technology Officer of Lineo, Inc.


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RSA released into the public domain

Author: JT Smith

RSA Security Inc. today announced it has released the RSA public key encryption algorithm into the public domain, allowing anyone to create products that incorporate their own implementation of the algorithm.

Yahoo! RIAA Strike Deal

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet is reporting that Yahoo! Inc. has signed a deal with the Recording Industry of America to set up terms for music Webcasts on Yahoo.

Hackers download Mercury songs

Author: JT Smith

Ananova reports that record company bosses had to step up security on their websites after fans were able to hack into unreleased Freddie Mercury tracks and place them on the internet for free.