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Update to glibc

Author: JT Smith

Three locale-related vulnerabilities with glibc 2.1.3 were recently
reported on BugTraq. These vulnerabilities could allow local users to
gain root access. The advisory is at LWN.net.


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Lineo names Waldie COO

Author: JT Smith

Lineo Inc., a provider of embedded systems, real-time and high availability Linux-based solutions, named Bob Waldie as chief operations officer. Effective immediately, Waldie will be accountable for many of Lineo’s day-to-day operations, according to a press release at LinuxPR. More from CNet.

Opinion: Can Open Source save world from Brown Orifice?

Author: JT Smith

From a column at SecurityFoucus.com: “This new class of holes is different: a programmer doesn’t understand what somebody else was thinking or expecting, and fails to make a smooth transition between the two pieces of code. Sometimes the transition appears smooth, but the underlying complexity scuttles system security in the end. The key to solving this problem is the open source movement, and its propensity for keeping code development simple and ego-free.”


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TelcoSoft announces Extensys 1.0.1 for Linux

Author: JT Smith

Support for Dialogic CT boards is added to Extensys, according to a press release at LinuxPR.

OpenNMS update for September 5

Author: JT Smith

The newsletter is posted at LWN.net.

AOL, Time Warner remain confident of European approval

Author: JT Smith

From a Reuters story: America Online and Time Warner Inc on Tuesday said they were confident they could persuade European regulators they had nothing to fear from their merger and from Warner Music’s joint venture with EMI Group.


  • Open Source

REPEAT!!! IT faces tech choices in wake of Napster

Author: JT Smith

The high-tech industry is torn over the value — or peril — of p-to-p (peer-to-peer) networking, the technology pushed to the forefront by the highly publicized MP3.com and Napster copyright disputes. But while experts debate whether p-to-p is a valuable way to distribute data over the Internet or a hazard to companies that want to keep their private matters private, vendors are stepping forward on both sides of the issue, hoping to cash in. InfoWorld reports.

Commentary: Antitrust needs a makeover

Author: JT Smith

From an opinion at ZDNet: “Antitrust law has seldom protected consumers. At best, it has offered glimmers of consumer protection. For instance, the Justice Department’s argument that Microsoft’s rivals and, ultimately, consumers would benefit from the ordered breakup is spectacularly unconvincing. Even some of Microsoft’s biggest detractors argue that technology will eventually smash the Microsoft monopoly, not the legal system.”


  • Linux

Napster and DeCSS: Free speech or free stuff?

Author: JT Smith

From an opinion piece at LinuxWorld: “Information doesn’t want to be free: some people want free information. If you do, make it yourself, just like those who built Linux did.”

Corel and PCTEL deliver first Linux-compatible software modem

Author: JT Smith

PR Newswire reports, Corel Corporation today announced it will partner
with PCTEL, Inc., a global leader in innovative and reliable
communication technologies, to bring the industry’s first Linux-compatible software modem to market.


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