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Extensys 1.0.1 available for Linux

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR is pleased to announce the availibility of Extensys 1.0.1 for the Linux Intel Platform.


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Congress to air public concerns over privacy

Author: JT Smith

The Senate committee said it will examine the Carnivore “controversy,”
and generally discuss electronic surveillance and Internet privacy Wednesday, reports Newsbytes.

Neoware looks to Linux

Author: JT Smith

LinuxWorld observes, Neoware which has made its name selling thin clients for Windows, now has built a new strategy around embedded systems, appliances, and Linux.


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Philips creates tiny, plastic computer screen

Author: JT Smith

Royal Philips Electronics said today that its researchers have created a soft plastic computer display that could result in floppy electronic newspapers, reports the Associated Press.


  • Unix

New ‘Love Bug’ charges sought

Author: JT Smith

The Associated Press is reporting, Philippine investigators
asked Justice Department prosecutors Tuesday to reconsider a decision to dismiss criminal charges against a former computer student accused of releasing the ‘ILOVEYOU’ computer virus.


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Open Source NetWare thorn to Novell?

Author: JT Smith

This article from ZDNet News looks at the bad blood between Novell and Timpanogas Research Group, who are developing a NetWare-like operating system they plan to release as open source code next year.


  • Open Source


Author: JT Smith

IBM developerWorks article focusing on handling multiple documents using the GnomeMDI framework.

Embedded Linux Consortium members to meet

Author: JT Smith

The Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) will hold its first Interactive Member Review during the Embedded Systems Conference 2000, scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2000, announced WideOpenNews.

Serious vulnerability in glibc NLS code

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News provides a security update for a vulnerability in glibc NLS code.


  • Linux

In-depth report dedicated to Open Source software

Author: JT Smith

Business Wire reports, TechMetrix Research, a technically oriented analyst firm focused on e-business application development needs, today announced the availability of its newest study, Open Source and Free Software Report.


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