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SourceForge interview

Author: JT Smith

Olinux.com.br has an interview with SourceForge developer Quentin Cregan. (Disclosure: SourceForge and NewsForge are both owned by VA Linux.)


  • Migration

Groupware for the unwired

Author: JT Smith

Inter@ctive Week speaks about how groupware applications vendors like Lotus are trying to make their products compatible with wireless PDA and digital-enabled cell phone, and the trouble they are having with WAP.

Industry groups involve FCC in digital TV copy protection dispute

Author: JT Smith

The MPAA and other copyright holders are worried about people making flawless (digital) copies of movies and other material broadcast in the new digital HDTV format, and want the FCC to help them. The Home Recording Rights Coalition, made up of companies that make the recording devices, wants consumers to have the same rights they have now to make copies of analog broadcasts with VCRs. Both groups are lobbying the FCC like mad. Story @ Inter@active Week.

Burning Man’s ‘tuna guys’ get busted for feeding without license

Author: JT Smith

To the government, the fishermen were simple lawbreakers, illegally feeding the public without a license and a health inspection. The tuna guys say the county sheriff’s department informed them last week that they could cook for their own camp and nobody else — a prohibition that directly conflicts with the festival’s share-freely ethos. More on the end of the Burning Man Festival at Wired.com.


  • Linux

DotCom incubator service goes European

Author: JT Smith

The DotCom Incubator Services programme sponsored by IBM and Conxion Corporation have announced a new initiative to further accelerate e-business in Europe. The incubator is designed to provide qualified European startups dedicated, managed Web hosting service on an IBM Netfinity server, running Windows NT, AIX or Linux operating systems, along with e-business software from IBM and participating technology providers. The press release is at PR Newswire.

Palm and DoCoMo to bring wireless PDAs to Japan

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet.uk on a partnership between Palm and Japan’s dominant mobile
operator, DoCoMo, that is expected to bring wireless PDAs to Japan in the first half of 2001.

China’s software industry threatened by piracy

Author: JT Smith

“More than one in four software companies in China believes piracy is the biggest barrier to the development of China’s software industry, according to a report Friday on the Web site of the official People’s Daily newspaper.” – Brief PcWorld story.

Do you live in the Internet’s Rust Belt?

Author: JT Smith

Inter@ctive Week story talks about jobs being made obsolete by the Internet; bank tellers, travel agents, stockbrokers, and bookstore clerks (among others) may want to seek new careers.

Trolltech to release Qt under GPL

Author: JT Smith

Trolltech’s Eirik Eng discusses why Trolltech decided to GPL Qt 2.2 at LinuxPlanet. -Anonymous ReaderMore from ZD’s Linux Devices.


  • Open Source

42 million Americans access the Web at work

Author: JT Smith

A Dallas Morning News story says, “A new survey by a Washington, D.C.-based research organization reveals just how intertwined the Internet has become with many Americans’ jobs.”