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AMIRIX releases configuration tool for embedded Linux

Author: JT Smith

AMIRIX Systems Inc. has released a new Open Source configuration tool for embedded Linux systems. Amirix is a sponsor of the non-commercial “Embedded Debian Project” whose goal is to create a completely open, multi-vendor embedded Linux software resource based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. The
press release is at LinuxPR.

CTitek deloys Linux tech support site

Author: JT Smith

CTitek Inc. has developed a Linux technical support Web site at www.FixMyLinux.com. FixMyLinux.com is designed to support the Linux Community by making Linux easy to use. The press release is at LinuxPR.

Security update to glibc

Author: JT Smith

The problem: The dynamic linker ld.so uses several environment variables like LD_PRELOAD
and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to load additional libraries or modify the library
search path. It is unsafe to accept arbitrary user specified values
of these variables when executing setuid applications, so ld.so handles
them specially in setuid programs and also removes them from the
environment. The
update is at LWN.net.


  • Linux

Emulex shareholders file lawsuit against news sites

Author: JT Smith

A class-action was filed Thursday on behalf of Emulex shareholders who sold common stock or call options or bought put options based on information contained in a hoax press release. The lawsuit was filed against Internet Wire, which published the press release at its Web site, and Bloomberg, a news wire that wrote stories based on the hoax information, InfoWorld reports.


  • Linux

RadiSys announces partnership with MontaVista

Author: JT Smith

RadiSys Corp., a designer and manufacturer of building blocks enabling next-generation Internet and communications systems, has signed a partnership agreement with MontaVista Software Inc., a developer of the Hard Hat Linux operating system for embedded applications, to promote the Linux operating system on RadiSys’ embedded solutions. The full
press release is at LinuxPR.

Get Linux buying advice with dukeofURL’s guide

Author: JT Smith

The DukeofURL releases a Linux buyer’s guide.


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KDE responds to GNOME Foundation

Author: JT Smith

The recent announcements regarding the formation of a GNOME Foundation coupled with the Sun/Hewlett Packard decision to use GNOME as their standard desktop has resulted in a deluge of requests to the KDE Core Team asking what our “position” is. Well, this is it. We offer this position paper in the hope that we can put this behind us and get back to coding. The full statement is at Linuxdevices.


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SOT unveils new developer site

Author: JT Smith

SOT, publisher of Linux in Finland, has unveiled its new Best Linux developers’ site, BestLinux.org and joined Linux International as a sponsoring corporate member. The press release is at LinuxPR.

Lineo Embedix GPL Compliance Toolset to ship

Author: JT Smith

PR News Wire reports that Lineo has announced the availability of the Lineo Embedix GPL Compliance Toolset, which protects OEM and embedded system developers from accidentally violating the GNU General Public License.

MS says Office 10 will be super cool, but faces StarOffice competition

Author: JT Smith

From a ZDNet story: “With archrival Sun Microsystems Inc. breathing down its neck, Microsoft needs to make good on its Office 10 ship date and ease-of-use promises. Sun has announced plans to make an open source version 6.0 of its StarOffice suite available on October 13. StarOffice 5.2 runs on everything from Windows 98 and Windows 2000, to Linux and Solaris.”