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Energy firms move into broadband telecoms

Author: JT Smith

Companies that trade oil and gas as commodities now hope to do the same with fiberoptic bandwidth. Yahoo!News story.

Zope security update

Author: JT Smith

Zope security update and fix at lwn.net, courtesy of the Linux-Mandrake security team.


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A poll of embedded Linux developers

Author: JT Smith

What do you value most about open source? is but one of many questions asked in a poll at linuxdevices.com.


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Check out BestLinux.org

Author: JT Smith

It’s a new site and a new project – BestLinux.org. The original project translated Linux into Finnish, a project that is now complete. The site’s authors say, Our new objectives are distributing the excellent results of the former project to the international
Linux community and achieving similar success worldwide.


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Internet appliances still not there

Author: JT Smith

Review of the new Compaq/Microsoft iPAQ “Internet Appliance” from the San Francisco Chronicle that is far from 100% favorable.

O’Reilly University of Perl 2000 Tours U.S.

Author: JT Smith

Announcement at useperl.org about the October O’Reilly University of Perl 2000 four-city tour.

September 2000 Linux Gazette

Author: JT Smith

It’s that time again – time to read the latest Linux Gazette. Lots of goodies in this issue, too.


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Installing and using WINE

Author: JT Smith

Linuxnewbie.org has a tutorial about installing WINE:
“One of the first things that will happen while you learn to use Linux, is you’ll say to yourself “I wish there was a Linux version of…” You may not need to wish any longer. Now, I’m not saying that there is a version of that program, but, there is a program that is just as good usually. It’s called WINE, and it might make all those wishes come true.”


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IBM to open seven Linux centers in Asia-Pacific

Author: JT Smith

IBM will invest more than $200 million in the Asia-Pacific region to help customers and software vendors increase productivity within the Linux operating environment, the company announced. IBM will open development centers to help software vendors port their applications to the Linux environment. The centers will be in Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul, Sydney and Bangalore, India, IDG reports. More from CBS Marketwatch.


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Aimster seeks partnership with Intel

Author: JT Smith

Aimster, a new Napster-like program that piggybacks on America Online’s Instant Messaging service and could be the biggest nightmare to date for studios trying to stop film and music swapping online, said it has held initial talks with Intel Corp. to forge ties, reports Reuters.