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5 Linux commands I’m going to start using

Five standard Linux commands that can make your life much easier.
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5 essential soft skills for sysadmin self-improvement

Your technical skills might be superb, but do you have equally compelling soft skills?
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Kubernetes Exam Simulator Available Now to All Those With Valid Eligibilities

We announced the availability of an exam simulator included with the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) and Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) exams on June 2nd. At the time we stated that those who purchased any of these exams prior to June 2nd would receive access on a rolling basis; all those holding valid eligibilities for one of the three exams were expected to receive access by mid-August, with those with eligibilities expirining soonest receiving access first.

We are happy to announce that due to the smooth rollout of the new exam simulator, we are able to extend access to everyone sooner than anticipated. Effective immediately, all those who have an unexpired or unused eligibility for any of our Kubernetes certification exams now have access to the exam simulator. To access the simulator, you simply need to log into the training portal and you will see the simulator listed in your exam checklist. 

As a reminder, this new perk provides access to two attempts at the exam simulator, provided by Killer.sh. Each attempt grants 36 hours of access starting from the time of activation. The exam simulations include 20-25 questions similar to the ones candidates can expect to encounter on the real exam. The questions presented in the simulator are the same for every attempt and every user, unlike those found on the actual exams, but are still graded to give candidates an idea of how they are performing. The expectation is this offering will help candidates become comfortable and familiar with the environment in which they will sit for their certification.

If you have registered for a Kubernetes certification we encourage you to check out the exam simulator before sitting for your real exam; having this experience will make you more comfortable taking the exam, and may give you a better chance of passing!

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The Linux Foundation Announces 30th Anniversary of Linux T-Shirt Design Contest

The winning design will be used on the Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference 2021 Conference T-shirt.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 7, 2021 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced a design contest for the Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference 2021 Conference T-shirt to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Linux. Submission designs should center around the 30th Anniversary of Linux theme in some capacity. 

The winning design will be featured on the official Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference T-shirt and available for purchase in the Linux Foundation Store. The designer will receive a free trip, covering airfare, hotel (4 nights) and conference ticket (maximum value of $4,000.00 USD), to Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference 2021 or Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference (North America, Japan or Europe) 2022.

Submissions are being accepted now through Friday, August 6. To view design guidelines, contest rules, please click here

Submissions will be reviewed after the deadline by a panel of conference program committee members and members of our Technical Advisory Board. The final 3 designs will be posted on social media for crowdsourced voting, with the winning design announced on Wednesday, August 25. To enter, please follow the guidelines here and email your final design to tshirt2021@linuxfoundation.org.

This design contest is one of a number of activities taking place this year to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Linux. In April 2021, The Linux Foundation asked the open source community: How has Linux impacted your life? Thirty randomly selected submissions were highlighted in a blog post and 30 penguins were adopted from the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds to celebrate these memories and this very important moment in Linux’s history. Additionally, members of the open source community are invited to use the graphics found here on their social media and join the anniversary celebration. Additional activities will continue through the remainder of the year.

The complete Contest Rules can be found at bit.ly/Linux30thTShirt.

About the Linux Foundation
Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation is supported by more than 2,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation’s projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit linuxfoundation.org.

The Linux Foundation Events are where the world’s leading technologists meet, collaborate, learn and network in order to advance innovations that support the world’s largest shared technologies.

Visit our website and follow us on Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook for all the latest event updates and announcements.

The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. 


Media Contact

Kristin O’Connell
The Linux Foundation

The post The Linux Foundation Announces 30th Anniversary of Linux T-Shirt Design Contest appeared first on Linux Foundation.

13 essential skills sysadmins need to make a career move into management

Want to make a move from system administration into management? Acquire these 13 skills.
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Please participate in the Linux Foundation Cybersecurity Survey

The recent presidential Executive Order on Cybersecurity focuses on producing and consuming SBOMs (Software Bill of Materials). SBOMs are especially critical for a national digital infrastructure used within government agencies and in critical industries that present national security risks if penetrated. SBOMs improve understanding of those software components’ operational and cyber risks from their originating supply chain; however, their use is not widespread.

The SBOM readiness survey is the Linux Foundation’s first project addressing how to secure the software supply chain. Software producers and consumers will be surveyed to better understand organizational approaches to software development, procurement, compliance, and, most important, security.

Key questions the survey will address include:

  • How concerned is your organization about software security?
  • How familiar is your organization with SBOMs?
  • How ready is your organization to consume and produce SBOMs?
  • What is your commitment to the timeline for addressing SBOMs?
  • What benefits do you expect to derive from SBOMs?
  • What concerns you about SBOMs?
  • What capabilities are needed in SBOMs?
  • What does your organization need to improve its SBOM operability?
  • How important are SBOMS relative to other ways to secure the software supply chain?

Data from this survey will enable the development of a maturity model to establish the value of SBOMs within software supply chains over time. To take the 2021 SBOM Readiness Survey, click the button below.

After arriving at the survey landing page, you may also choose to issue your responses in German, Russian, French, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

Open@RIT: The Birth of an Academic OSPO

By Stephen Jacobs

Image: RIT

What is an Academic OSPO?

The academic space has begun to see activity around the idea of Open Source Program Offices at colleges and universities.  Like their industry counterparts, these offices lead or advise administrative efforts around policy, licensing compliance, and staff education.  But they can also be charged with efforts around student education, research policies and practices, and the faculty tenure and promotion process tied to research.

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) soft-launched their OSPO 2019, led by Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for Research Data Management and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center at the Sheridan Libraries in collaboration with Jacob Green with MOSS Labs. Other universities and academic institutions took notice.

Case Study: Open@RIT

I met Green at RIT’s booth at OSCON in the summer of 2019 and learned about JHU’s soft launch of their OSPO.  Our booth showcased RIT’s work with students in Free and Open Source humanitarian work. We began with a 2009 Honors seminar course in creating educational games for the One Laptop per Child program. That seminar was formalized into a regular course, Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software. (The syllabus for the course’s most recent offering can be found at this link)

By the end of 2010, we had a complete “Course-to-Co-Op lifecycle.” Students could get engaged in FOSS through an ecosystem that included FOSS events like hackathons and guest speaker visits, support for student projects, formal classes, or a co-op experience. In 2012, after I met with Chris Fabian, co-founder of UNICEF’s Office of Innovation, RIT sent FOSS students on Co-Op to Kosovo for UNICEF. We later formally branded the Co-Op program as LibreCorps. LibreCorps has worked with several FOSS projects since, including more work with UNICEF. In 2014 RIT announced what Cory Doctorow called a “Wee Degree in Free,” the first academic minor in Free and Open Source Software and Free Culture. 

All of these efforts provided an excellent base for an RIT Open Programs Office. (more on that missing “s” word in a moment) With the support of Dr. Ryne Raffaelle, RIT’s VP of Research, I wrote a “white paper” on how such an office might benefit RIT. RIT’s Provost, Dr. Ellen Granberg, suggested a university-wide meeting to gauge interest in the concept, and 50 people from 37 units across campus RSVP’d to the meeting. A subset of that group worked together (online, amid the early days of the pandemic) to develop a “wish list” document of what they’d like to see Open@RIT provide in terms of services and support. That effort informed the creation of the charter for Open@RIT approved by the Provost in the summer of 2020.

An Open Programs Office

Open@RIT is dedicated to fostering an “Open Across The University” as a collaborative engine for Faculty, Staff, and Students. Its goals are to discover and grow the footprint, of RIT’s impact on all things Open including, but not limited to, Open Source Software, Open Data, Open Science, Open Hardware, Open Educational Resources, and Creative Commons licensed efforts; what Open@RIT refers to in aggregate as “Open Work.” To highlight the wide constituency being served the choice was made to call it an Open Programs Office to avoid being misread as an effort focusing exclusively on software. The IEEE (which Open@RIT partners with), in their SA Open effort , made the same choice.

In academia, there’s growing momentum around Open Science efforts. Open Science (a term that gets used interchangeably with “Open Research” and “Open Scholarship”) refers to a process that keeps all aspects of scientific research, for the formation of a research plan onward, in the Open. This Scientific American Op-Ed (that mentions Open@RIT) points to the need for academia to become more Open. Open Educational Resources (I.E., making course content, texts, etc., Free and Open) is another academic effort that sees broad support and somewhat lesser adoption (for now).  

While the academic community favors Open Science and Open Educational Resource practices, it’s been slow to adopt them. This recently released guide from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, a bellwether organization, adds pressure to academia to make those changes.

What’s Open@RIT Done Since the Founding?

Drafting Policies and Best Practices Documents

Policy creation in academia is and should be slow and thoughtful.  Open@RIT’s draft policy on Open Work touches every part of the research done at the university.  It’s especially involved as it needs to cover three different classes of constituents.  Students own their IP at RIT (a rarity in academia) except when the university pays them for the work that they do (research assistance ships, work-study jobs, etc.), Staff (the University owns their IP in most cases), and Faculty. The last are a special case in that researchers and scientists are expected to publish their work but may need to work with the university to determine commercialization potential.  It also needs to address Software, hardware, data, etc. 

Our current draft is making the rounds to the different constituencies and committees, and that process will be completed at some point in academic year 21-22.  In the meantime, parts of it will be published as Open@RIT’s best practices in our playbook, targeted for release before the end of Fall semester. Our recommendations for citing and supporting Open Work in Tenure and Promotion will also be part of the playbook and its creation is supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant and by the LFX Mentorship program

Faculty and Staff Professional Development

In October of 2020, The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation funded a proposal by Open@RIT funding some general efforts of the unit and, in particular, a LibreCorps team to support what we’re now calling the Open@RIT Fellows Program. We’re charged with supporting 30 faculty projects over two years and already have twenty-one that have registered, with about one-third of those project support requests completed or in progress. In many ways, the Open@RIT Fellows program could be considered an “Inner Source” effort.

This Zotero curated collection of articles, journal papers, book chapters, and videos on various aspects of Open Work and Open scholarship is the first step in our professional development efforts. It includes links to drafts of our recommendations around releasing Open Work and on building your evaluation, tenure and promotion cases with Open Work. We hope to offer professional development-related workshops in late fall or early spring of the coming AY.

Student Education

Open@RIT is wrapping up our “Open Across the Curriculum” efforts.  While we’ve had several courses and a minor in place, they mostly were for juniors and seniors.  Those classes were modified to begin accepting sophomores, and some new pieces are being brought into play.  

At RIT, students are required to take an “Immersion,” a collection of three courses, primarily from liberal arts, designed to broaden students’ education and experiences outside of their majors. The Free Culture and Free and Open Source Computing Immersion does just that and opens to students this fall. 

Within the month, Open@RIT will distribute a set of lecture materials to all departments for opt-in use in their freshman seminars that discuss what it means for students to own their IP in general and, specifically, what Opening that IP can mean in science, technology, and the arts. 

Once the last pieces fall into place, students will be able to learn about Open as Freshmen, take one or both of our foundational FOSS courses Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software and Free and Open Source Culture as Sophomores and then go on to the Immersion (three courses) or the Minor (five courses) should they so choose.

Advisory Board and Industry Service

Open@RIT meets three times/year with our advisory board, consisting of our alums and several Open Source Office members from Industry and related NGOs. 

Open@RIT is active in FOSS efforts and organizations that include IEEE SA Open, Sustain Open Source’s Academic and Specialized Projects Working Group and CHAOSS Community’s Value working group.

Next Steps

By the end of 2022, Open@RIT will complete all of the points in its charter, hold a campus conference to highlight Open Work being done across the university, and complete a sustainability plan to ensure its future.

About the author: Open@RIT is an associate member of the Linux Foundation. Its Director Stephen Jacobs serves on the Steering Committee of the TODO Group and as a pre-board organizer of the recently announced O3DE Foundation moderating an International Game Developers Association RoundTable for the upcoming Game Developers Conference.

Linux Foundation to Form New Open 3D Foundation

New Open 3D Foundation launching with over 20 founding members, including Adobe, AWS, Huawei, Niantic, and Red Hat to accelerate developer collaboration on 3D engine development for AAA-games and high-fidelity simulations

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 6, 2021 The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced an intent to form the Open 3D Foundation to accelerate developer collaboration on 3D game and simulation technology. The Open 3D Foundation will support open source projects that advance capabilities related to 3D graphics, rendering, authoring, and development. As the first project governed by the new foundation, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is contributing an updated version of the Amazon Lumberyard game engine as the Open 3D Engine (O3DE), under the permissive Apache 2.0 license. The Open 3D Engine enables developers and content creators to build 3D experiences unencumbered by commercial terms and will provide the support and infrastructure of an open source community through forums, code repositories, and developer events. A developer preview of O3DE is available on GitHub today. For more information and/or to contribute, please visit: https://o3de.org

3D engines are used to create a range of virtual experiences, including games and simulations, by providing capabilities such as 3D rendering, content authoring tools, animation, physics systems, and asset processing. Many developers are seeking ways to build their intellectual property on top of an open source engine where the roadmap is highly visible, openly governed, and collaborative to the community as a whole. More developers look to be able to create or augment their current technological foundations with highly collaborative solutions that can be used in any development environment. O3DE introduces a new ecosystem for developers and content creators to innovate, build, share, and distribute immersive 3D worlds that will inspire their users with rich experiences that bring the imaginations of their creators to life.

Major features of the Open 3D Engine include a new multi-threaded photorealistic renderer, an extensible 3D content editor, a data-driven character animation system, and a node-based visual scripting tool. Developers can build games and new engine features on top of O3DE’s component-based architecture, which enables components of the engine to be used together or independently. Developers will have the flexibility of authoring code with C++, LUA, and python, while animators, technical artists, level designers, and other content creators can work directly with O3DE’s built-in authoring tools to create 3D experiences.

The Open 3D Foundation and Open 3D Engine Project will enable developers to collaborate on building games and simulations as well as the underlying engine. It includes a Governing Board focused on business and budget decisions and a Technical Steering Committee dedicated to technical strategy and community management. The Project is organized into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that include: Build/Dev Pipeline; Simulation Engine; Content Creation; Network & Cloud; Presentation; Documentation/Demo; Release; Security; and Testing. The O3DE community welcomes contributions from all cloud providers, gaming companies, and industries to advance the project.

“We’re proud to offer the 3D development community an unencumbered, AAA-capable, real-time 3D engine with one of the broadest arrays of integrated 3D authoring tools in the industry including a new photorealistic renderer, built for both modern gaming hardware and distributed cloud rendering,” said Bill Vass, VP of Engineering at AWS. “We believe that creating a first-class, community-driven, open-source option will revolutionize real-time 3D development, as Linux did for operating systems and Apache did for the web.”

“The new Open 3D Foundation finally gives gaming and engine developers an opportunity to influence the direction of a major AAA class 3D engine that is sustained for the long term by a worldwide open source community,” said Chris Aniszczyk, CTO, Linux Foundation. “Furthermore, other industries such as automotive and healthcare can take advantage of embedding the engine and supporting the advancement of the engine to benefit all.”

Founding members of the Open 3D Foundation include AccelByte, Adobe, Apocalypse Studios, Audiokinetic, AWS, Backtrace.io, Carbonated, Futurewei, GAMEPOCH, Genvid Technologies, Hadean, HERE Technologies, Huawei, Intel, International Game Developers Association, KitBash3D, Kythera AI, Niantic, Open Robotics, PopcornFX, Red Hat, Rochester Institute of Technology, SideFX, Tafi, TLM Partners and Wargaming. These members are contributing funding and resources to the foundation as the initial governing members.

The O3DE community is hosting O3DECon on October 12th and invites the wider open source engine community to attend, contribute and learn more about the future of the foundation. Additionally, there will be an O3DE panel at GDC on July 22, 2021. 

Member Comments 


“As a Founding member we are incredibly excited to be part of that push towards a more open, and frankly, industry rejuvenating breakthrough. Open source 3D game engine gives total control, and puts creators back in the driving seat. It will accelerate innovation and foster amazing content and experience creation. At AccelByte we are committed to the deep integration of our tools and backend platform tech to support content creators using O3DE.  We are looking forward to working with the Linux Foundation to make this a reality.” – – Nik Palmer, Product Manager of AccelByte Blackbox.


“Adobe is proud to champion the Open 3D Foundation as a founding member. Open source technologies are critical to advance sustainability across 3D industries and beyond. We believe collaborative and agnostic toolsets are the key to not only more healthy and innovative ecosystems but also to furthering the democratization of 3D on a global scale.” – – said Sebastien Deguy, VP of 3D & Immersive at Adobe.

Apocalypse Studios

“The new Open 3D Foundation ushers in a profound change in the video game industry,” said Denis Dyack, CEO of Apocalypse Studios Inc. “O3DE will lead the way for cloud-first development, freeing developers to collaborate without traditional restrictions allowing them to concentrate on creativity, achieving what was once previously impossible. The video game industry will never be the same again.”


“We’re very excited about offering an integration of Wwise to O3DE users. We believe it is our duty as the global leader in interactive audio solutions to make our cross-platform technology as accessible as possible,” said Martin Dufour, Audiokinetic CTO. “While we think this is essential for continuing our contributions towards advancements within the gaming and interactive media industry, we also believe that strengthening and empowering the creators community with open source solutions will allow other industries to leverage interactivity as it expands beyond games.”


“The formation of the Open 3D Foundation is a transformative step in accelerating the real-time 3D market through open-source. It feeds into the market trends of game technology democratization, cloud-first game development, and the evolution of multi-faced game development platforms to the benefit of both creators and the ecosystem as a whole. Backtrace is honored to join as a founding member of the Open 3D Foundation and eager to empower O3DE creators with our cross-platform observability solution for real-time 3D,” said Abel Mathew, CEO and co-founder of Backtrace I/O. 


“As a mobile-first studio, we’re honored and excited to be a founding member of the Open 3D Foundation,” said Travis Boatman, CEO of Carbonated Inc. “Our titles must perform on a myriad of devices, and tap into cloud-enabled services in order to drive forever games for our players.  We chose O3DE as foundational tech because it delivers on all of our needs while being completely free and open source.”


“The open sourcing, with the Linux Foundation of this important platform for game development is a big step for spatial computing and I’m very excited to see where it leads!” said Tish Shute (Leichliter), Futurewei Technologies, Inc.


“Successful implementation of cloud-native games requires not only a fundamental shift in design paradigm but equally important is the availability of enabling technologies. The O3DE initiative is an important catalyst for empowering creators in the new era of cloud-native gaming,” said Stephanie Chen, Founder & CEO, GAMEPOCH.

Genvid Technologies

“Creators and businesses both benefit when there are open source tools available to them. We are big believers that game engines and interactive streaming will change not just video games but entertainment in general, and think that the mission of the Open 3D Foundation is important not just to our industry (gaming) but our metaverse future. We are honored to join as a founding member of the Open 3D Foundation and are eager to bring our cross-platform interactive streaming services to its developers,” said Jacob Navok, co-founder and CEO of Genvid Technologies, Inc. 


“The release of a fully open source AAA-quality game engine has the potential to significantly reshape the games industry and Hadean is thrilled to be able to support it. We are particularly excited by the modularity goals of O3DE and the potential for integration with our highly scalable distributed simulation engine, in pursuit of a more open ecosystem for gaming and simulation,” said Aidan Hobson-Sayers, technical director, Hadean.

HERE Technologies

“As a location platform at the forefront of mapping the world’s road networks and urban centers in 3D, we are excited to join the Open 3D Foundation as a founding member,” said Giovanni Lanfranchi, Senior Vice President Development and Chief Technology Officer at HERE Technologies. “We intend to contribute to the 3D engine code as well as provide expertise that can help developers create 3D-rich location-based experiences for gaming and a broad array of enterprise and mobility use cases.” 


“We are thrilled to support and participate in the formation of the Open 3D Foundation as a Premier Member,” said Bryan Che, Chief Strategy Officer, Huawei Technologies. “3D graphics are vital to how we connect billions of people around the world, including in our mobile devices, laptops, AR/VR systems, and smart screens; cloud-based gaming and media services; and more. Bringing the power of open source across all these areas and beyond will greatly enhance the innovation and value of 3D visuals.


“We are proud to be supporting the O3DE project and the democratization of game development technology through open source. It is our mission to support and empower game developers in achieving fulfilling and sustainable careers, and access to cutting-edge development tools and their source code will enable more studios and developers to thrive. We are sure to see the O3DE project and Open 3D Foundation lead to new innovation within our industry and improve video games and other 3D experiences for everyone,” said Renee Gittins, executive director, International Game Developers Association.  


“Intel is excited and honored to join with AWS, the Linux Foundation and other industry partners to form the Open 3D Engine Foundation. We know well through the variety of Linux Foundation projects we already support that open software is a major driver of innovation. Such projects as O3DE enable the collective energy and mind-power of the best developers in the world to deliver robust, stable and next generation technology to everyone sooner. We are delighted to contribute a wide array of Intel’s advanced photorealistic and high-performance visual technology, including Intel® OSPRay and other components in the Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, for the best 3D visual impact to a wide array of applications,” said Jim Jeffers, senior principal engineer and senior director of Intel Advanced Rendering and Visualization Architecture.


“As creators begin to check out the O3DE, it’s important that they can quickly build a world and get excited about using the engine. To help them reach this magic moment, we’re providing a sampling of the KitBash3D premium asset library to come FREE within the O3DE – giving users the tools they need to create worlds and save countless hours of work in the process. We are very happy to be a part of this project’s launch and can’t wait to see all the amazing things creators make with it!” — Banks Boutté, Co-founder, KitBash3D

Kythera AI

“The O3DE Project is a game changer,” said Matthew Jack, CEO of Kythera AI, an established supplier of the industry’s most comprehensive AI middleware. “It’s a big step in the democratization and accessibility of game development, with users gaining access to cutting-edge tools previously affordable only to AAA studios. As a founding member of O3DE we have chosen to make the power of Kythera AI available to all as an Open3D Gem. Developers will save thousands of hours and achieve sophisticated, dynamic behaviors for any genre, out of the box, and at scale.  As a result, users of O3DE can deliver an unrivalled experience to players – and fill their stunning worlds with intelligent life!”


“Niantic’s mission is to encourage exploring and togetherness, which is why our Real World Platform offers cross-platform APIs and tools that simplify the development of AR applications for mobile devices,” said Phil Keslin, CTO, Niantic. “Being a founding member of the exciting Open 3D Foundation follows that spirit of openness and togetherness. Open standards help democratize innovation, which is why we support arming developers with a fully open source cross-platform 3D engine, as it will remove major hurdle to creativity and will help their focus on AR world building. We’re honored to be able to provide developers with this framework to deliver amazing, shared AR experiences through the conduit of our real-world AR mobile games.”

Open Robotics

We are happy to support the Open 3D Foundation’s goal of providing a high-quality open source 3D engine and we are honored to be a founding member. Given our history with open source software for the robotics industry, we are intimately familiar with the power of collaboration and community. We look forward to O3DE helping to grow this initiative and to one day bring these capabilities to robotics simulation,” said Brian Gerkey, CEO, Open Robotics.


“We believe in collaboration and sharing across industries. By gathering ambitious individuals and organizations from multiple industries, O3DE is a path to a bright future. As founder members of O3DF, we will bring PopcornFX GeM and our ability to work closely with production teams. With partners and community, our offer and capabilities will continue to improve in order to bring cutting edge solutions for realtime VFX,” said Maxime Dumas, owner, PopcornFX.

Red Hat 

“As a leader in open source solutions, Red Hat knows how instrumental open source communities can be in creating innovative solutions to the pressing needs and challenges of various industries. We’re honored to be a founding member of the Open 3D Foundation, an initiative that will empower developers to collaborate and thereby shape the future of 3D visual experiences,” said Deborah Bryant, Senior Director, Open Source Program Office.

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

“Since I teach courses in Game Design and Development and in our Minor in Free and One Source Software and Free Culture, this checks all the boxes for bringing more enterprise open source collaboration to the gaming industry,” said Stephen Jacobs, Director, Rochester Institute of Technology’s Open Programs Office, Open@RIT. “This will be a great opportunity for RIT students, faculty and staff to make contributions to the engine and, as we’re part of the Foundation, to engage at a level that actually helps shape its direction. This is  especially important for our students to work with the professionals in the field. Students in the Open Source course I’m teaching this semester will have the option to work with the foundation for their required FOSS contributions.”


“Empowering artists with tools they need to create immersive virtual worlds is at the heart of everything we do at SideFX. So we’re thrilled to be a founding member of the Open 3D Foundation. We truly believe that open, collaboraitve workflows are the future of 3D – and we’re proud to be a part of this important initiative driving into that future,” said Cristin Barghiel, VP of product development at SideFX.


“At Tafi, our vision is to empower creators and democratize 3D avatar solutions across the virtual worlds. As such, the Open 3D Engine project aligns perfectly with our shared belief in open collaboration and mass innovation,” said Preston Woo, Chief Strategy Officer, Tafi. “We are proud to be a founding member of the O3DF in partnership with Amazon, the Linux Foundation, and other industry leaders, and we look forward to supporting the development of this new open source 3D engine.”

TLM Partners

“The O3DE project opens the door to a AAA engine for indies and underserved markets. We see room in the market for a third engine that is a transformative step towards collaboration and will drive exponential creativity and growth,” said Jake Hawley, founder and CEO of TLM Partners. “As a publisher of Cross-Play games, TLM is excited to support the development of a cloud connected, cross-platform and open source engine that aligns with our belief that the future of game development is predicated on pioneering tools and technology that facilitate creative and collaborative expression without the need for a physical space.”


“We at FragLab believe that having a game engine with quality rendering is not enough. Nowadays the more technical side of game development is quickly changing and the ability to adapt your solutions in real-time is extremely important. O3DE has a proven foundation to be not only a high-quality game engine, but also be flexible enough to quickly react to different users’ demands, starting from integrating 3rd party AI systems to new game servers’ orchestration backend technologies,” said Sergey Rustamov, technical director at Wargaming. 

About the Linux Foundation

Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation is supported by more than 1,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation’s projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at linuxfoundation.org.

About Amazon Web Services

For over 15 years, Amazon Web Services has been the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud offering. AWS has been continually expanding its services to support virtually any cloud workload, and it now has more than 200 fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, security, hybrid, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), media, and application development, deployment, and management from 81 Availability Zones (AZs) within 25 geographic regions, with announced plans for 21 more Availability Zones and seven more AWS Regions in Australia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Spain, and Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—trust AWS to power their infrastructure, become more agile, and lower costs. To learn more about AWS, visit aws.amazon.com.


The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Media Contact
Jennifer Cloer for Linux Foundation

The post Linux Foundation to Form New Open 3D Foundation appeared first on Linux Foundation.

Enable Sysadmin’s June 2021 top 10 Linux article round-up

Enable Sysadmin’s June 2021 top 10 Linux article round-up

Check out our ten most-read articles from the month of June
Thu, 7/1/2021 at 4:58pm


June 2021 was a special month for Enable Sysadmin. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary, published 26 articles and received over 600k page views from over 415k unique visitors. Today, we are looking back at our top ten articles to give readers a chance to catch up on any of the great content they might have missed. In this list, you will see various topics covered and we are confident that some, if not all will be of interest to you.

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LF Networking Adds New Members Across Enterprise and Government ecosystems to Support 5G Super Blueprint Open Initiative

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.  –  July 1, 2021 – LF Networking (LFN), which facilitates collaboration and operational excellence across open source networking projects, today announced seven new member organizations have joined the community to collaborate on the 5G Super Blue Print initiative.

AQSACOM, a leader in Cyber Intelligence software solutions for communications service providers (CSPs) and law enforcement agencies (LEAs); Radtronics, which provides secure and powerful private wireless network for Maximum Productivity with new applications and services, through Outcome based and cost efficient solutions enabled by strong innovation; Turnuium, which enables channel partners to connect people, data, and applications through its turnkey multi-carrier managed SD-WAN;  SEMPRE, which secures 5G for critical infrastructure by moving compute to the edge and leveraging military-grade technology—the only HEMP-hardened 5G gNODEB with Edge; and  Wavelabs, a new-age technology company for the Digital, Cognitive & Industry 4.0 Era have joined LFN at the Silver level. New Associate members include: the Oman government’s Ministry of Transportation, Communications & Information Technology;   ICE Group’s (state telecommunications and energy operator of Costa Rica) ANTTEC  (ICE Group’s main union of technicians and engineers);  and High School Technology Services, which offers coding and technology training to students and adults, have joined as Associate members.

“As the center platform for enabling open source 5G building blocks, collaboration and integration is more important than ever for LFN, amplified by our recent developer event in early June,” said Arpit Joshipura, general manager, Networking, Edge and IoT, the Linux Foundation. “This impressive roster of new members across intelligence, government, enterprise and more are welcome additions to the LFN community. We look forward to continued collaboration that enables rapid interoperability, deployment, and adoption of 5G across the ecosystem.”

Leveraging the convergence of major initiatives in the 5G space, and building on a long-running 5G Cloud Native Network demo work stream, LF Networking is leading a community-driven integration and proof of concept involving multiple open source initiatives in order to show end-to-end use cases demonstrating implementation architectures for end users. This 5G Super Blueprint covers RAN, Edge, and Core and enables solutions for enterprises and verticals, large institutional organizations, and more. While Networking provides platforms and building blocks across the networking industry that enable rapid interoperability, deployment, and adoption. Participation in this nexus for 5G innovation and integration is open to anyone.

In April, the Linux Foundation and the World Bank launched an online course: 5G and Emerging Technologies for Public Service Delivery & Digital Economy Operations – Fundamentals of 5G Networks: Implications for Practitioners. The course is now available on the World Bank’s Open Learning Campus here. Aimed at decision makers and development practitioners, the course provides an introduction to open source and the critical role it plays in today’s networks.

ONE Summit

Learn more about the 5G Super Blue Print during the Open Networking & Edge (ONE)  Summit, the ONE event for end to end connectivity solutions powered by open source and enables the collaborative development necessary to shape the future of networking and edge computing.Taking place October 11-12, 2021 in Los Angeles, Calif., Registration will open soon.

New Member Support

“With the dramatic growth of Private Wireless LTE and 5G networks over the coming years, the Open Source community will play a transformational role, which is the reason we’re joining the Linux Foundation Networking,” said Peter Lejon, co-founder of RADTONICS AB. “5G technology will have a huge impact on our future, driving positive changes for all of us. With enterprise and regional operators procuring solutions direct from the solutions providers, initiatives like 5G Super Blueprint and Magma Packet Core will be instrumental in serving a rapidly developing market that will include the next billion users on their journey of capturing value through digitalization.  We believe that through Open Source and by working together, we can further accelerate the current pace of innovation and development. Change will never be this slow again,” added Lejon.

Marcus Owenby, SEMPRE’s Global CTO, affirmed “SEMPRE’s support for 5G Super Blueprint will enable enterprise and government organizations to leverage open source technology, while also securing 5G using military-grade technology purpose-built to protect critical infrastructure.”

“Wavelabs.ai is an ardent proponent of the ‘OPEN X’ network vision. We work with the entire ecosystems of clients & partners as a engaged, committed, and collaborative partner to realize 5G open and disaggregated ‘White Box’ network as a reality” said Mansoor Khan, CEO of Wavelabs. “LF Networking open-source 5G initiatives address major opportunities today and tomorrow. We believe this partnership will strengthen Wavelabs mission in accelerating the Journey to Future Connectivity by offering the unique blend of next-generation Digital, Cognitive, and Network technology services and solutions”


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The Linux Foundation is the organization of choice for the world’s top developers and companies to build ecosystems that accelerate open technology development and commercial adoption. Together with the worldwide open source community, it is solving the hardest technology problems by creating the largest shared technology investment in history. Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation today provides tools, training and events to scale any open source project, which together deliver an economic impact not achievable by any one company. More information can be found at www.linuxfoundation.org.

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Government ecosystems to Support 5G Super Blueprint Open Initiative

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