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Apple names employee In trade-secrets lawsuit

Author: JT Smith

Apple Computer has apparently fingered one of its own as the source of several recent leaks about products it hadn’t announced. In a statement issued Monday, the company said it had added the name of Juan Gutierrez, “an individual employed by Apple,” to a previously filed lawsuit alleging unauthorized disclosure of trade secrets, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

Sun to release source code

Author: JT Smith

Sun Microsystems, Inc. has announced it
will release the source code for the internationalization technologies for
the Solaris Operating Environment to X.org, a non-profit, international
consortium responsible for standards requirements in the X Window System.
This code, made available under the X license, will provide open source
software developers with an easy way to design applications which operate
in virtually all national language environments and among the operating
systems that utilize X-windowing technologies, such as Linux and Unix
variants. The press release is at LWN.net.

Column: Gnome brings Linux closer to being ready for desktop

Author: JT Smith

From a column at ZDNet UK: “OK, so Linux is still not ready for the desktop. But the Gnome Foundation will add to the effort to make it so, and Microsoft may even succumb to the lure of the lolly that it might make from selling applications for the platform, just as it sells software for the Mac. Even if the Office rumour proves false, the Gnome Foundation will increase pressure on Microsoft to challenge Linux’s one real advantage at the desktop: stability.”


  • Linux

Analysis: Can Caldera win over SCO integrators?

Author: JT Smith

Execs at Caldera Systems have been rolling out the red carpet to SCO integrators with mixed success for more than two years. But now, after buying a big chunk of the beleaguered Unix vendor, Caldera may have a pitch they can’t refuse. Check out an analysis piece at Sm@rt Partner.


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Ex-Microsoft employee describes company’s Unix use

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot discussion on a former Microsoft employee describing how the software giant uses Unix.

Palm runs into a Trojan horse

Author: JT Smith

A Trojan horse — a program that poses as a beneficial application, yet does something completely different — is making its way through the underground circles of Palm users, reports ZDNet.

Clinton challenging Gore for taking credit for the Internet?

Author: JT Smith

Is Bill Clinton challenging Al Gore for the title of “Father of the Internet”? It sounded that way Sunday in Abuja, Nigeria, as the president addressed a group of Nigerian and American business leaders. — Submitted by JimD

FBI probes Net fraud in Emulex hoax

Author: JT Smith

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said it was using a statute barring fraudulent use of the Internet to look into a hoax that sent Emulex Corp. shares on a wild ride on Friday. Press release distribution service Internet Wire received via e-mail a purported statement from Emulex, a network equipment maker, announcing a restatement of earnings and resignation of the company’s chief executive. Both pieces of news were false, leading to the federal probe, reports ZDNet.


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MP3.com, Universal Music meet in court

Author: JT Smith

Reuters has an update about the MP3.com/Universal Music court case, after Monday’s action. More from The Associated Press.

Singapore technology used as international standard

Author: JT Smith

One or two years from now, if you are watching video on your new-generation mobile phone or
handheld computer, you may have two researchers here to thank for it, says the Straits Times.