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Internet eases loss of State Secrets: Pentagon

Author: JT Smith

The Pentagon says the internet is a key source of lost State Secrets. NWFusion has the storyp

IBM’s Deep Blue: celebrity

Author: JT Smith

IDGNet says that IBM’s Deep Blue RS/6000 supercomputer has become a celebrity.


  • Management

Korea updating internet laws

Author: JT Smith

Korea is updating its internet related laws, says ZDNet.

Bogus email crashes company stock value

Author: JT Smith

A fake press release caused a company’s stock to crash, reports ZDNet.


  • Open Source

Intel’s latest recall

Author: JT Smith

MSNBC evaluates Intel’s recall of its 1.13 GHz processor.


  • Linux

Universal only label not to settle with MP3.com

Author: JT Smith

MP3.com, after settling with four other labels, is in court defending its actions against Universal. ZDNet has the story.


  • Linux

RIAA CD sales continue to boom

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet is reporting on the RIAA’s current CD sales, and their continued growth.


  • Open Source

A privacy puncturing flaw

Author: JT Smith

DigitalMass looks at the problems with “foolproof” encryption software in this analysis piece about PGP’s security holes.


  • Linux

Microsoft faces uphill battle for support of Web integrators

Author: JT Smith

From a TechWeb story about Microsoft saying it’s ready to launch BizTalk 2000 and Commerce Server 2000 this fall. “Unix was the preferred platform for early large-scale applications, ‘but it’s different now,’ said Ed Bell, president of CrossTier.com, a Fairfax, Va.-based developer.”

Female Quake champion to promote GameSpy

Author: JT Smith

GameSpy Industries has penned a one-year, world sponsorship deal with 23-year-old Kornelia Takacs — the acknowledged World Female Quake Champion. Takacs, from Budapest, Hungary, will represent GameSpy at gaming conferences, expos and gatherings around the world, with appearances at the company’s trade show booths and events, according to DailyRadar.com.