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Mobile phones get radiation warning labels

Author: JT Smith

From a Reuters story: “Consumers and organizations concerned about cell phone radiation emissions may have gained a limited victory from mobile phone makers. Nokia, the world’s largest manufacturer, Motorola, and Ericsson are developing a standard to measure specific radiation absorption rates and plan to label cell phones with this information next year.”

Microsoft, Amazon team up on e-book venture

Author: JT Smith

Microsoft and Amazon.com have partnered to deliver e-books online, according to a story at TheStandard.com.

U.S. Panel finds Bill Gates to be a nice guy

Author: JT Smith

From the humor site Segfault (no, it’s not true): When asked for comment, Bill Gates replied: “I don’t know why people think I’m a nasty guy. I really thought I was a nice person. In fact, look out for my new book called, ‘The Road to Being a Nice Person’ which will be in stores in October.”


  • Management

Linux League debates embedded issues

Author: JT Smith

Today’s topic on RadioWallStreet.com’s Linux League: “Linux World, Open Source & Embedded Update.” Check out the full press release at BusinessWire.

Austrialian software import plan draws fire

Author: JT Smith

An Australian federal government plan to remove restrictions on importing some software is drawing criticism from industry groups, according to a story at Fairfax IT.

With friends like Napster’s, who needs enemies?

Author: JT Smith

“They’re not saying Napster’s right, the friends of the court who filed amicus briefs on behalf of the file-swapping service on Friday. But they’d rather not have it outlawed because they might want to do something similar someday.” The analysis piece is at TheStandard.com. More from IDG.

MP3.com jury trial begins today

Author: JT Smith

The Universal Music Group goes head to head with MP3.com in a New York federal courtroom. Wired.com provides a preview.

MP3.com jury trial begins today

Author: JT Smith

The Universal Music Group goes head to head with MP3.com in a New York federal courtroom. Wired.com provides a preview. Another preview at Inter@ctive Week.

Galeon: The little browser holds up well

Author: JT Smith

LinuxToday.com.au reviews the nice and light Galeon browser and says nice things about it.

Caldera hints at Java-like UnixWare license

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports: “The new owner of Bell Labs original Unix is still wrestling with how to make the source code to its true ancestor publicly available, but has suggested that Sun Microsystems’ Java license could provide an attractive model.”


  • Unix