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MP3.com jury trial begins today

Author: JT Smith

The Universal Music Group goes head to head with MP3.com in a New York federal courtroom. Wired.com provides a preview.

MP3.com jury trial begins today

Author: JT Smith

The Universal Music Group goes head to head with MP3.com in a New York federal courtroom. Wired.com provides a preview. Another preview at Inter@ctive Week.

Galeon: The little browser holds up well

Author: JT Smith

LinuxToday.com.au reviews the nice and light Galeon browser and says nice things about it.

Caldera hints at Java-like UnixWare license

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports: “The new owner of Bell Labs original Unix is still wrestling with how to make the source code to its true ancestor publicly available, but has suggested that Sun Microsystems’ Java license could provide an attractive model.”


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AMD now at 1.1 GHz

Author: JT Smith

The uP race continues: today’s announcement is from AMD, which claims 10 big-time computer manufacturers plan to base systems on their new 1.1 GHz Athlon. InfoWorld story.


  • Unix

The first Tech President?

Author: JT Smith

Which nationally-know tech exec would make the best U.S. President? This is the substance of today’s ZDNet column from Charles Cooper.


  • Linux

Online religion is catching on

Author: JT Smith

Discussion of how religion is moving onto the ‘net, with a list of resources to help you find an appropriate online church, synagogue, mosque, temple or other virtual worship community. Chigago Tribune story.

Third English issue of Linux NetMag

Author: JT Smith

Issue #3 (English version) of Linux NetMag is now available here. (German edition #4 here.)


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Turboprint for Linux

Author: JT Smith

Commercial software based on old Amiga product claims to make Linux printer setup as easy as on Windows or Mac PCs. Free (as in beer) beta now available for download. See the Press release at LinuxPR for more info.


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Experts Mixed Over Reporting Bugs

Author: JT Smith

Should software security experts publicize security flaws or quietly tell the offending software’s authors about the problems? This is the question asked in a (non-technical) abc.go.com story


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