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Opinion: Linux on the desktop a good thing?

Author: JT Smith

“Some of us with technical backgrounds, especially those of us who are committed
to open source, may find this disappointing, after all, surely Linux et al are all better
than Windows under the hood, making them more secure and more reliable.” From OSOpinion.com.


  • Linux

Life after the OpenSite sale

Author: JT Smith

When Kip Frey sent 10 Duke University law students out to 10 Triangle startups last January,
the results were predictable. “They all said they wanted to stay with the companies they were working with,” Frey says. By the end of the
semester, the dotcom bubble had burst, “All, except maybe one, went off to law firms and clerkships.” From UpsideToday.com.


  • Linux

“Deep Blue” a ranking celebrity

Author: JT Smith

Deep Blue is an IBM supercomputer made famous by
its victory over world chess
champion Garry Kasparov
in 1997. MSNBC.com reports.


  • Unix

Hey, all you e-holes out there!

Author: JT Smith

From a WiredNews.com report: Whether reeling in
stock option wealth or hovering on the brink of bankruptcy, Net workers are finding their place in the lexicon
of stereotyping terminology.

NT horror story contest sponsored by Linux General Store

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPR tells us that, beginning Friday August 25th, contestants may enter their worst stories from
dealing with Windows NT. The deadline for the contest is Monday October 14.

Broadband alternative debuts

Author: JT Smith

If you’re lucky in your choice of locale, you could be
among the first to get 100 channels of digital
video-on-demand, telephone service, videoconferencing,
and high-speed Internet access all across fiber-optic
cable to your home as soon as next year. From PCWorld.com.

No slight of Palm for college students

Author: JT Smith

An article at Themestream reports that the Palm-compatible
PDA you have might still be extremely useful to you just in helping you get organized
to meet your schedule.

Cyber-villians are gaining power, says UK report

Author: JT Smith

A Reuters report says that high-tech offenses like
Internet fraud, e-mail abuse, computer hacking
and virus spreading look set to increase during
the next 20 years, according to a survey of
British crime trends.


  • Linux

Why Intel’s into P2P

Author: JT Smith

From Salon.com: If peer-to-peer networking becomes the “next computing frontier,” guess who stands to benefit?


  • Linux

Information just wants to be Freenet

Author: JT Smith

Rob Kramer and Ian Clarke’s new venture, Uprizer, wants to be the Red Hat of peer-to-peer networks. What’s behind their wall of secrecy? From Salon.com.


  • Open Source