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NT horror story contest sponsored by Linux General Store

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPR tells us that, beginning Friday August 25th, contestants may enter their worst stories from
dealing with Windows NT. The deadline for the contest is Monday October 14.

Broadband alternative debuts

Author: JT Smith

If you’re lucky in your choice of locale, you could be
among the first to get 100 channels of digital
video-on-demand, telephone service, videoconferencing,
and high-speed Internet access all across fiber-optic
cable to your home as soon as next year. From PCWorld.com.

No slight of Palm for college students

Author: JT Smith

An article at Themestream reports that the Palm-compatible
PDA you have might still be extremely useful to you just in helping you get organized
to meet your schedule.

Cyber-villians are gaining power, says UK report

Author: JT Smith

A Reuters report says that high-tech offenses like
Internet fraud, e-mail abuse, computer hacking
and virus spreading look set to increase during
the next 20 years, according to a survey of
British crime trends.


  • Linux

Why Intel’s into P2P

Author: JT Smith

From Salon.com: If peer-to-peer networking becomes the “next computing frontier,” guess who stands to benefit?


  • Linux

Information just wants to be Freenet

Author: JT Smith

Rob Kramer and Ian Clarke’s new venture, Uprizer, wants to be the Red Hat of peer-to-peer networks. What’s behind their wall of secrecy? From Salon.com.


  • Open Source

Intel coughs up new XScale microarchitecture

Author: JT Smith

According to a report at xtra.com, Intel believes the chip microarchitecture has the flexibility to handle requirements for both
ultra-low power and high performance in devices ranging from Internet-ready cell
phones to Internet infrastructure equipment.


  • Unix

Pooling chips in $4.5 billion merger

Author: JT Smith

Chip maker Applied
Micro Circuits Corp. said in an MSNBC.com report, it would buy
MMC Networks in a stock deal valued at about
$4.5 billion.


  • Open Source

Robots can do your protesting for you?

Author: JT Smith

It sounds like a silly idea – and perhaps it is one. A group calling itself the Institute for Applied Autonomy claims to be making robots activists can use for tasks like handing out pamphlets, creating grafitti, and other things that might get a human protestor harassed or busted.


  • Management

Acer hopes to license PalmOS for Chinese translation

Author: JT Smith

August 28, 2000 (TAIPEI) — After completing its personal digital assistant (PDA)
development, Acer Inc. is likely to receive Palm authorization for a PalmOS Chinese version in
Story at AsiaBiztech.


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