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MacWorld: Apple’s Pearl of Great Price

Author: JT Smith

Macworld reviews the G4 cube.


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URLs Aren’t Property?

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot has posted a responce to a judge’s earlier ruling that URL’s are not property.

Round deux for Larry and Ray.

Author: JT Smith

ZDnet has an interesting summary of the weekly events. “Now that the KDE-Gnome rift in the Linuxcommunity is in the open, certain spinmeisters are doing their damnedest to paper over the differences


  • Open Source

osOpinion: Linux for the Desktop — Way to Go?

Author: JT Smith

Mark Summerfield has posted a list of things which need to be improved before Linux can be considered “desktop ready.”


  • Linux

Buyer’s guide: high-end systems – August 2000

Author: JT Smith

Anandtech has a buyer’s guide for high-end systems. It covers 4 configurations: a dream system, a SOHO system, a “gamer” system, and a professional business system.


  • Unix

U.S. online users shun ‘.us’ names

Author: JT Smith

Reports Austin 360,
And that worries the U.S. government, which last week began seeking suggestions on making ”.us” more desirable to help relieve the crowded field of dot-com addresses.

Harvard prof says Asian countries must develop “home grown” tech to sustain growth

Author: JT Smith

The Asian economic miracle is not a myth, and has not run its course, but Asian countries must move to develop
homegrown technologies for the future, said Harvard economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs….
ITAsia1 has details.


  • Open Source

Some Web users handle online privacy themselves

Author: JT Smith

Nandotimes is reporting that users are more than willing to take measures to protect their own privacy. “The nation’s Internet users want stronger online privacy protections and many use fake names, dummy e-mail accounts and data scrambling software to preserve their anonymity, a new study has found.

Usenet archive from 1981

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot posted an interesting link to a Usenet archive from 1981. Included are such gems as how to overclock your 6502, connecting an IBM PC to a vax mainframe, and a possible FPU bug on some VAX series.

Web pioneer supports surfing licenses

Author: JT Smith

From Nandotimes, Robert Cailliau supports web-licenses, and discusses some ways of implementing them. Robert Cailliau was one of the people who worked with Tim Berners-Lee on creating the draft for the HTTP and HTML standards which are behind the web.