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Vibrating mouse spices up computing

Author: JT Smith

The VMouse is cross-platform and requires no driver installation, making the device compatible with systems as varied as iMacs and Linux boxes, reports PC World.


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Market lines up for Linux

Author: JT Smith

Worldly Investor columnist Mitch Ratcliffe says Red Hat “wears the pants” among the top Linux companies investors should consider.


  • Open Source

Loki earns Best of Show at LinuxWorld

Author: JT Smith

Loki Software, Inc., the
leading publisher of best-selling games for the Linux operating system,
accepted the coveted “Best of Show” award from IDG World Expo during the
Show Favorites Awards ceremony at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. The press release is at LWN.net.

IBM’s plans for Open Source

Author: JT Smith

Dick Sullivan, vice president of integrated solutions marketing at IBM’s Software Group, talks to InfoWorld about IBM’s future Linux and Open Source initiatives.


  • Unix

Industry groups knock Napster ruling

Author: JT Smith

From a story at TheStandard.com: “While noncommittal on whether Napster should be held liable for infringing on the copyrights of the major record labels, several Internet industry coalitions and trade groups, representing companies such as America Online, Yahoo and Intel, are taking issue with a federal judge’s ruling last month in the bellwether case.”

Sun confirms memory problem

Author: JT Smith

A defective memory component that Sun Microsystems Inc. has been quietly trying to fix for the past several months is continuing to create major problems for some large users of Sun’s Ultra Enterprise Unix servers, according to a story at Computerworld.


  • Unix

Europe’s four little MP3s form alliance

Author: JT Smith

Four businessmen have trademarked country domains that begin with MP3, and now they’ve formed an alliance, reports TheStandard.com.

Column: VA Linux finally shows signs of life

Author: JT Smith

From a ZDII column: “VA Linux won back some fans on Wall Street this week with its impressive fourth-quarter earnings report. While it appears to have some momentum and has carved out a nice little niche for itself, investors shouldn’t expect a miraculous recovery anytime soon. That’s not to say VA Linux can’t be a fine investment, short- or long-term. Those who believe in the Linux operating system will undoubtedly take a second look at VA Linux considering it’s trading at an 85 percent discount from its all-time high of $320 a share.” (FUll disclosure: VA Linux owns NewsForge.)


  • Open Source

Company falls victim to bogus press release

Author: JT Smith

Emulex Corp. said on Friday it had been the victim of a hoax that caused its stock to plummet more than 50 percent, Reuters reported. A press release, reportedly put out on Web-based news dissemination service Internet Wire, said the company’s chief executive had resigned and Emulex had been forced to restate 1998 and 1999 earnings, as well as revise the fourth quarter to a loss from a gain.


  • Open Source

Napster stirs apprehension in movie industry

Author: JT Smith

Studios are not casual about losing control of films that can cost $50 million to $60 million to produce, says Rich Taylor, a Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) spokesman. If media companies are going to retain control of their products, now is the time to lay the plans, says a story at IDG.net.