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False alarms spark barrage of Akamai complaints

Author: JT Smith

Akamai, which speeds content delivery on the Internet by maintaining a network of computers closer to consumers, is receiving daily gripes from people who think–mistakenly–that the company is scanning their ports, or sending packets designed to get information about their
computers, reports CNET News.


  • Linux

Nanotechnology to change our lives

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet News UK reports, nanotechnology could provide computer chips thousands of times quicker than today’s fastest processors according to researchers at Molecular Electronics, a US firm dedicated to researching and
developing atom-sized computer components.


  • Linux

NA confirms PGP bug and promises a fix

Author: JT Smith

According to ZDNet News UK, security firm Network Associates has promised a fix for versions 5.5.x to 6.5.3 of its PGP (Pretty Good Protection) encryption software.

Zoran to acquire Nogatech for MPEG-4 push

Author: JT Smith

The EE Times is reporting that the two companies, both based in Santa Clara, Calif., said they expect the merger will speed their development of MPEG-4 devices.

Dell leads rush to sell 1-GHz Xeon systems

Author: JT Smith

Leading an expected avalanche of new systems, Dell Computer next week will unveil a workstation based on Intel’s new 1-GHz Pentium III Xeon processor, reports CNET News.


  • Unix

FCC delays spectrum auction, allows more bidders

Author: JT Smith

Federal regulators said today they would delay a hotly anticipated auction for wireless “spectrum,” in part to allow more companies a chance to bid, reports CNET News.

Can syndication save content?

Author: JT Smith

More and more content sites are trying it, but the results so far have been mixed, prompting The Standard to ask, is content king again?

Europe’s four little MP3s

Author: JT Smith

The Standard looks at four businessmen that have trademarked country domains that begin with MP3, and that have now formed an alliance.

B-to-B: Evolution, not revolution

Author: JT Smith

The Standard observes that online marketplaces are getting squeezed from all sides, now some are transforming themselves into application service providers.

Web traffic servers fail

Author: JT Smith

According to the Wall Street Journal, four of the 13 computers that manage global Internet traffic partially failed for a brief period Wednesday night due to a technical glitch.