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Over 5,000 dot-ca names could be resold

Author: JT Smith

The authority invested with registering Canada’s 97,000 domain names said more than 5,000 dot-ca name holders are in danger of losing their domains unless they re-register them by Sept. 7, reports Newsbytes.

Yahoo to offer encrypted email option

Author: JT Smith

CNET News announces, Yahoo plans to let its email account holders use data scrambling to protect the privacy of their messages, marking a potentially significant advance for the mainstream use of encryption.


  • Linux

Cookie watchdog organization web site cookied

Author: JT Smith

Privacy advocate organization TRUSTe, which administers a privacy seal-of-approval program for retail Web sites and advises companies on how to write effective privacy policies, has reportedly violated its own privacy policy, reports Newsbytes.


  • Linux

Time running out for MP3.com settlement

Author: JT Smith

A legal hourglass is draining to the end for MP3.com, which will face trial for potentially huge copyright-infringement damages next week if it can’t strike a deal with one remaining record company, surmises CNET News

Glad to see the site’s still up -Jamie

Author: JT Smith

I’m signing on briefly from here in Niagara…Robin, I’ll give you a call shortly. I can’t ssh into the servers from here, but I’m glad to see it’s still up and dropping new stuff into the bin. Woohoo. -Jamie

Novell’s Netware 6 to offer data clustering

Author: JT Smith

ComputerWeekly.com reports,
Novell has shipped a beta version of Netware 6.0 and is underlining
its long-term commitment to the network operating system, despite
disappointing third quarter results and a market share that is slipping in face of the Microsoft/Linux onslaught.


  • Linux

KDE vs. GNOME: Who Cares?

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet’s take on the current feud between GNOME and KDE.


  • Open Source

Making the Net disabled-friendly

Author: JT Smith

From MSNBC.com: In the next few months, all federal agencies will begin
making their Web sites, software programs and other
electronic sources of information accessible to people with
disabilities, including the blind, deaf and wheelchair-bound.

Free sales automation software readied

Author: JT Smith

Oracle is unveiling OracleSalesOnline.com, a free customer relations management program, reports Infoworld.com.


  • Open Source

Cell surveillance plan questioned

Author: JT Smith

A cellular industry trade group asked the FCC to suspend a requirement that cellular carriers install equipment and software that would allow the government to easily eavesdrop on wireless data, reports Computerworld.