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KDE vs. GNOME: Who Cares?

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet’s take on the current feud between GNOME and KDE.


  • Open Source

Making the Net disabled-friendly

Author: JT Smith

From MSNBC.com: In the next few months, all federal agencies will begin
making their Web sites, software programs and other
electronic sources of information accessible to people with
disabilities, including the blind, deaf and wheelchair-bound.

Free sales automation software readied

Author: JT Smith

Oracle is unveiling OracleSalesOnline.com, a free customer relations management program, reports Infoworld.com.


  • Open Source

Cell surveillance plan questioned

Author: JT Smith

A cellular industry trade group asked the FCC to suspend a requirement that cellular carriers install equipment and software that would allow the government to easily eavesdrop on wireless data, reports Computerworld.

Object Management Group readies standards upgrades

Author: JT Smith

The OMG is planning to meet next month to work on the evolution of standards such as CORBA and UML, reports Infoworld.com.

PGP vulnerability affects 5.x, 6.x, and derived products

Author: JT Smith

“This means that someone could obtain a copy of your public key, add their
own ADKs, and attempt to fool someone into using this modified public key
when communicating with you,” says Security Focus.

Chip embeds wireless Net access

Author: JT Smith

PC World News reports that an Israeli firm has unveiled iChip, which could Net-enable appliances, and phones.


  • Unix

Opinion:OpenBSD setting a good example

Author: JT Smith

A RootPrompt reader reports, “I found that OpenBSD has done a lot of things right and that there are some things
that the Linux community should study and emulate.”


  • Open Source

Fiorina to unleash HP’s latest weapon in server wars

Author: JT Smith

CNET.com reports that Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina will unveil the first incarnation of the company’s new high-end
“Superdome” Unix server in New York on Sept. 12.


  • Unix

Microsoft glitch leaves IM contact lists vulnerable

Author: JT Smith

CNET.com says that for the past week Microsoft has been “thoroughly investigating” a scenario in which expired Hotmail accounts are thought to
provide an