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Product launches set at forum

Author: JT Smith

Although Santa Clara-based Intel stole the spotlight at its developer conference, many other vendors, including Red Hat, used the event to announce new products of their own, reports Infoworld.com.


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Opinion: Love Bug just the job

Author: JT Smith

Just follow in LoveBug creator Onel de Guzman’s footsteps, reports the Register, and you
too will be inundated with job offers.

Linux scuppers notebook theft

Author: JT Smith

Thieves don’t know what to do with non-Windows system, says The Register.


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Encryption could starve carnivore

Author: JT Smith

PC World reports that even as the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) slowly
releases details of its Carnivore email wiretap technology,
software developers are readying schemes to starve Carnivore
of meaningful data.


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DVD pirates face watery foe

Author: JT Smith

Even though the Motion Picture Association of America has stopped 2600 from linking to
copies of the DeCSS DVD copying utility, the damage is done and the genie is out of the bottle. From Wirednews.com

eLinux joins forces with TeamLinux

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPr.com announced that the joint initiative will complement the current infrastructure and technical
services offerings of eLinux by providing key enterprise level solutions from

Intel Says: Think Like Napster

Author: JT Smith

An Intel executive on Thursday said Napster and programs like it will transform the
Internet as profoundly as the first Web browser. From WiredNews.com.

Linux and Napster – the paradoxical parallels

Author: JT Smith

LinuxToday reports that at first sight Napster has little in common with Linux. Look below the surface and you’ll find
there’s a deep philosophical link that goes way beyond technology and points the way to a
freer, more democratic future.


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Encrypted e-mail made easy

Author: JT Smith

Experts have long contended that encrypted email can become an every day occurrence only when end users need only push a button to securely send messages. From IDG.net.


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Feds seek review of controversial Carnivore softwa

Author: JT Smith

Associated Press reports that the Justice Department formally asked outside
experts Thursday to review whether the FBI’s “Carnivore” e-mail surveillance system has adequate
protections against abuse.