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Server vendors team to promote Linux in Japan

Author: JT Smith

Compaq, IBM and Hitachi, all backed by Oracle, said they intend to push hard to grow the adoption of Linux among Japanese PC server users by over 15 per cent this year, according to The Register.


  • Linux

Nintendo launches Gamecube

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports, Nintendo took the wraps off its cube-shaped (sort of) next-generation games console, Gamecube, formerly known as Dolphin – even though it’s not going to ship for ages.

Apple preps ‘low key’ MacOS X public beta

Author: JT Smith

The public beta test release of Apple’s upcoming MacOS X may not be quite as public as the company originally suggested, and the final release may not happen quite as soon as planned, either, reports The Register.


  • Open Source

Sigaba tries to simplify encrypted e-mail

Author: JT Smith

Network World reports, Sigaba recently unveiled SigabaSecure, a
system for encrypting e-mail with the click of a button


  • Linux

ZDNet buys Linux support site

Author: JT Smith

ZDNEt said on Thursday it had acquired Linux Hardware Databases from Cambridge, Mass.-based Data Power Technologies.

‘Pokey’ worm crawling slowly

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet News


  • Linux

Group debuts latest Linux global spec

Author: JT Smith

From IDG.net: In a move to encourage the worldwide adoption of the open-source
model, the Linux Internationalization Initiative, also known as Li18nux,
Wednesday announced the availability of the latest software
specification designed to increase the functionality of commercial Unix
systems in the global market.


  • Linux

Rambus in patent talks with all SDRAM makers

Author: JT Smith

The computer memory designer is continuing its crusade to collect royalty payments from chip makers for its proprietary, high-speed memory technology. From IDG.net.


  • Unix

Feds sue adult Web sites over fees

Author: JT Smith

Associated Press reports that owners of scores of adult Web sites have been accused of billing thousands of Web users for supposedly free services, and billing other consumers who have never visited the Web sites at all, the Federal Trade Commission announced Wednesday.

Opinion: GNOME on the range

Author: JT Smith

The aftershocks of last week’s LinuxWorld Expo are still reverberating chez Somogyi. From ZDNN.


  • Open Source