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Scientific Learning to seek early dismissal

Author: JT Smith

From PRNewswire.com: Scientific Learning Corporation (Nasdaq: SCIL) today announced that it plans
to seek early dismissal of a class action lawsuit filed against the Company
and certain of its corporate officers.

Internet suffers from the hard sell

Author: JT Smith

The overselling of all things internet is leaving
consumers frustrated, cynical and wary,
experts warn. From BBC News.


  • Linux

Sun versus Intel: war declared

Author: JT Smith

The Register claims, “The undercurrent of dislike between Intel and Sun, which boiled over into an
unseemly row at the last Intel Developer Forum, now seems to have turned into a
full-scale battle.”


  • Linux

MIT replaces SPARC servers with Pentiums running Linux

Author: JT Smith

The story says, “Students returning to MIT this fall will notice that Information Systems has made several changes to the Athena computing environment, including a powerful new e-mail system, the official introduction of Redhat Athena boxes in the clusters, and a new release of Athena.”


  • Linux

PC crashes more stressful than standing in line

Author: JT Smith

“It’s official,” says a zdnet.co.uk story,”we love our PCs and cannot bear to be parted from them.”


  • Management

CHARLES PILLER: Toward a simpler operating system

Author: JT Smith

L.A. Times columnist Charles Piller lauds Linux and Eazel and talks of how they may soon make computing easier, not harder. (Link is to www.nandotimes.com reprint of Piller’s column.)


  • Linux

CNET News.com: Microsoft glitch leaves IM contact

Author: JT Smith

News.com reports: “Microsoft is investigating complaints that its MSN Instant Messenger usernames and contact lists can be taken over through
lapsed Hotmail accounts.”

Egg isn’t the only bank cracked

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet (UK) says a number of online banks and financial institutions in the U.K. have been cracked within the last year.


  • Linux

Business analysis: S3 stops Diamond development

Author: JT Smith

PCWorld (AU) analyzes the death of the Diamond video card line. Quote: “The multimedia add-in board business is starting to resemble an episode of Survivor – pretty soon, only one may be left.”


  • Unix

Gaming in the third dimension

Author: JT Smith

LinuxWorld’s Joe Barr tests Linux games (and doesn’t have an easy time getting everything working right).