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New Web site tracks computer viruses

Author: JT Smith

The (new) hoaxbusters.ciac.org anti-virus and anti-virus hoax Website is discussed at eet.com.


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A user-friendly facelift for Linux

Author: JT Smith

Boston Globe columnist Hiawatha Bray weighs in on Helix Gnome from both technical and business perspectives.


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Linux making Mac inroads

Author: JT Smith

MacWorld’s Mathew Honan writes, ” Although the Cube is the machine getting all the press these days, in terms of operating systems, the buzz clearly goes to
Linux — at least until an OS X beta ships. Linux is predominantly found on Intel boxes, but if this year’s Linux World Expo is
any indication, the ‘open source that could’ is making steady inroads into the Mac community.”


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eLinux and TeamLinux to gang up for services

Author: JT Smith

ELinux and TeamLinux Corp. will work together to enhance their product offerings and services.

MPAA touts digital watermarking for DVDs

Author: JT Smith

Wired.com story talks of digital watermarking efforts by film studios, and how these anti-copying efforts are being stymied by competing standards.


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Visa and Mastercard fight online fraud

Author: JT Smith

Credit card companies are tightening their security on phone and online trasactions, according to The Register.


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Judge limits damage award in MP3.com case

Author: JT Smith

Business.com reports that MP3.com will only be forced to pay damages based on the number of “infringed” CDs, not on each song, which may result in much lower payments to record companies.


  • Open Source

Sony switches suppliers for notebook graphics chip

Author: JT Smith

From News.com: “TOYKO–Sony, the maker of Vaio PCs, said today it has switched companies in its search for a steady supply of graphics chips
for a new notebook.”


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Peek at Intel’s XScale CPU core

Author: JT Smith

linuxdevices.com looks at
“…XScale, an embedded microprocessor architecture derived from StrongARM technology.
Relative to StrongARM, XScale will boast significantly increased speed (approaching
1 GHz), substantially reduced power consumption (down to 0.0001W), and will
incorporate a number of new technologies that optimize its use in tomorrow’s mobile,
wireless, and Internet infrastructure applications.


  • Unix

New KDE desktop Beta for Linux released

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPR release: “The KDE Team today announced the release of KDE
1.93, the fourth beta preview of Kopernicus, KDE’s next-generation, powerful, modular


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