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Disney to dig into AOL-Time Warner documents

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports, Walt Disney has asked Time Warner and America Online, which are seeking to merge, to provide copies of confidential documents filed with regulators to verify promises the companies will not discriminate against competitors.


  • Open Source

Cable ISPs Race Heats Up

Author: JT Smith

InternetNews reports, the race between cable Internet service providers Road Runner and Excite@Home got a little more interesting on Wednesday with both companies touting their milestone achievements.

USB 2.0 vendors push for early lead

Author: JT Smith

TechWeb News reports, Cypress, Philips, Lucent and others plan to flex their USB 2.0 muscles by demonstrating new controllers and transceiver chips for PC-to-peripheral interfaces running 40 times faster than the existing USB 1.1 standard.


  • Unix

Novell Sketches In Two-Year Netware Blueprint

Author: JT Smith

Novell, as expected, unveiled a two-year blueprint for NetWare, featuring plans to deliver a new version of its flagship product with much-needed applications server capabilities, by mid-2001, reports Techweb News.

Clinton allows Japan’s NTT to purchase Verio

Author: JT Smith

President Clinton will allow Japan’s NTT Communications to buy U.S. Internet service provider Verio Inc., a U.S. official said Wednesday, a decision suggesting he sees no espionage threat from the deal, reports the Associated Press.

HK poised for secure WAP commerce

Author: JT Smith

Hong Kong probably will be the first launch pad for an emerging WAP technology that could open up mobile commerce to major consumer purchases, reports IDG News.

Sprint lauches wireless Web effort for businesses

Author: JT Smith

IDG News reports, Sprint on Wednesday introduced Sprint PCS Wireless Web for Business that offers access to applications, corporate e-mail, intranets and corporate directories.

SuSE security announcement for netscape

Author: JT Smith

Linux Weekly News reports, two security problems exist in the netscape package as shipped with SuSE Linux distributions.


  • Linux

Open Source comes to the classroom

Author: JT Smith

By Tina Gasperson
News Editor

In 1997, David Moore, a sophomore at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Md., got together with then senior Ben Krefting and developed an interactive Web site for the school, called CAPOnline.

Most schools today have Web sites, but this one was different, because the high level of interactivity and personalization enabled students, teachers, and parents to keep up with assignments, upcoming events, and each other.

The project went over big — teachers loved having the ability to distribute handouts and notices electronically, and students actually used the site to discuss class topics. At its peak, the site was logging some 2,900 hits every day.

Later that year, Moore improved the project when he rewrote it in C and released it as an Open Source project. Now that he’s a sophomore at California Institute of Technology, he still spends a lot of time on the project he adopted and renamed Authenticated User Community (AUC).

“The feedback I get from people is what keeps me interested,” says Moore. “As far as Open Source is concerned, I’m not really trying to make a case for it in education. I’m simply trying to be the best product available.”

Moore must be doing something right, because the AUC project is a major success among its peers. Several developers have started Open Source education projects, and many of them languish, apparently victims of apathy or ignorance from the educational community they were created to serve.

Says Moore, “I think school administrators need to be made aware of the benefits of Open Source. If these projects had a liaison organization accustomed to dealing with school systems, there would be more success. If a commercial entity … dealt with [the] traditional channels of acquisition, I don’t think we could lose.”

Moore thinks that students, teachers, and technical people should be part of the process when equipping schools with computers and the software systems to run them. Administrators are not aware of the financial and educational benefits of open source applications — they need to be convinced that Microsoft is not the only game in town, he says.

“That’s why projects like AUC are more successful overseas — because the United States system of education has far more bureaucracy than foreign systems,” says Moore.

In fact, AUC is so popular in Europe that the software, still in beta, is available in five languages. The software has been downloaded from its home at Sourceforge more than 3,000 times. Moore doesn’t seem surprised by the success of the project, probably because of his belief that open source and education are natural partners.

Says Moore, “Education is not about business decisions. It’s about imparting the responsibility of learning to students. Open Source is similar, in that a developer takes a risk by investing time in a project in the hopes that users will find it useful. It’s natural for students to have exposure to this kind of project, because it’s the kind of philosophy they need to have.”

The AUC project home is located at auc.sourceforge.net. Interested users can run an interactive demo of the software at auc.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/auc.cgi/home.


  • Open Source

New Web site tracks computer viruses

Author: JT Smith

Designated “Hoaxbusters” and located at hoaxbusters.ciac.org, the
site is intended to explain, identify and offer work arounds for both lay computer users and experienced engineers, reports EE Times.