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Study: Taiwan, Estonia emerge as good places for online business

Author: JT Smith

The study rated 42 developing countries on their ‘e-readiness,’ based on factors such as government support for e-commerce, availability of wireline and wireless communications services, worker skills and laws against cybercrime and software piracy.” Best bets: Taiwan and Estonia.


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Open Source Library Card-Catalog Apps?

Author: JT Smith

Ask Slashdot Question about using and/or writing Open Source software for libraries. More than just a database? (Many thoughtful reader responses.)


  • Open Source

3COM to offer Web gadgets to stadium

Author: JT Smith

This Reuters report tells how 3Com Corp.
is unveiling a steno pad-sized ”Web pad” that
can access the Web, but only in the stadium, formerly known as Candlestick


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High-tech players warm to privacy legislation

Author: JT Smith

From IDG.net: Fearing multiple state efforts, vendors back federal regulation, if given a big enough stake in the process.

Broadband bickering hits Silicon Valley

Author: JT Smith

From InfoWorld.com: ATT is pondering legal action in an attempt to force San Jose to release about 40 permits for cable modem service.


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Domain name reflection

Author: JT Smith

With plans to step down in November, outgoing ICANN chair Dyson recaps difficult early days of organization, reports IDG.net.

Taiwan chip manufacturer weathers typhoon

Author: JT Smith

Seventy percent of ASE staff remained on duty as Taiwan’s biggest typhoon of the year passed through earlier today. From Newsbytes.com.


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FTC’s Swindle: Freedom at core of privacy fears

Author: JT Smith

Newsbytes.com reports hat Federal Trade Commissioner Orson Swindle believes
freedom is a big part of the Internet privacy issue.
Swindle may have used freedom to begin his talk on Net
privacy issues because he knows what it’s like to have it
taken away.

AOL, Time Warner suit a stretch, admits MP3Board lawyer

Author: JT Smith

MP3Board.com filed a so-called third-party complaint against AOL and
Time Warner in New York’s Southern District US Court late Monday as
part of an ongoing dispute between MP3Board, the Recording Industry
Association of America and 14 major music labels. From Newsbytes.com.

Third world countries should get online

Author: JT Smith

Nations comprising more than three-quarters of the world’s
population are in danger of alienating high-tech investment
and passing up the economic and societal benefits that
can be gained through connecting citizens to the Internet,
reports Newsbytes.com.


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